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These are all your perfections:

-Your nose (it's so cute!)

-Your Hair (c;)

-Abs- sorry I had to do that one- (they just- Wow)

-Eyes (HOLY SHIT they're beautiful!)

-Lips (c;)

-Biceps (c;;;)

-Your sappy ways (you are a bit sappy, love. But I wouldn't want ya any other way :3)

-Your voice (holy crap!)

-The way you hold me (I feel warm and fuzzy!)

-The way you kiss me (it's hot)

-The way you take dominance (sexeh)

-Your personality (sweet, caring, protective, loving)

Okay, there's a lot more, but I wanna stop because I think you get the point :* I love you!


Edward StylesWhere stories live. Discover now