Chapter Eleven

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Cori rolled over in bed and lifted her head with a frown on her face as she found herself alone. Had she dreamed last night? She shook her head as she slowly sat up. No, she was sure that Jax had spent the night wrapped around her like a human burrito, his head firmly lodged in the crook of her neck. She grinned as she thought that she would have never pegged him as a cuddler, but he was indeed. Her thought that it was real was confirmed when she saw his t-shirt and kutte laying on the armchair in the corner of the room with his white Nikes sitting beside it.

She sat up and ran a hand through her unruly hair before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and getting up. She padded on bare feet out to the kitchen, where she could hear the sounds of someone cooking. Cori sniffed and grinned as she smelt bacon frying and the scent of coffee. She walked around the corner into the kitchen and had to stop herself at the entrance with a hand over her heart. 

Dressed only in jeans that were threatening to fall off of his lean hips, Jax was whisking eggs in a bowl as he watched the bacon frying in the pan. She bit her lip as she noticed that he had added to his ink over the years, and blushed as her mind ran to images of running her tongue over each and every one of those tattoos. She shook her head, trying to dislodge the carnal thoughts running around inside and grinned as she took a step further into the room.

"When did you become all domestic?"

She watched as Jax turned his head and a slow smile came across his face as he sat the bowl down and walked toward her. "I have all kinds of talents that you don't know about, Coraline, and I just get better with age." When he reached her, he slid a hand through her hair and leaned in for a kiss, making her heartbeat stutter to a halt for a moment. He nipped at her nose as he stood back up to his full height. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

Cori grinned as he hurried back over to the stove to pull the bacon off the burner. "I slept pretty well considering that I had a koala wrapped around me all night."

Jax just chuckled as he motioned at the table for her to sit before turning to the stove to start on the eggs. "Yeah, sorry about that, but you were so comfortable, I couldn't resist. I hope scrambled eggs are ok. It's pretty much all I know how to make."

Cori chuckled as she reached for the coffee pot and filled her mug. "That sounds great, actually. I'm starving." She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. "I need to get showered and ready to head to the hospital soon."

Jax nodded as he brought two plates to the table and sat down. "Yeah, your dad's doctor has already called this morning to confirm your lunch date. I told him we'd be there."

Cori looked at him for a moment before shaking her head and grinning. "We will?"

Jax smirked and nodded. "Yeah, well, he didn't seem too thrilled that I answered the phone first thing this morning, so I wanted to make sure he understood that when I said that you weren't alone, I meant it."

Cori shook her head as she took a bite of her eggs. "Jax, he isn't interested in me that way. He's just dad's doctor and he's concerned for both of us."

Jax shook his own head and lifted a brow. "Babe, you're delusional if you think that. He wants you and I'm going to make damn sure that he knows that he can't have you."

Cori lifted her brow and tilted her head. "Oh really? And why can't he?"

With a smirk, Jax suddenly leaned across the table and licked the side of Cori's neck, making her sputter and wipe his spit off. He chuckled as he pointed to her. "That's why. I licked you, so you're mine." Her heart stuttered again as his eyes seemed to go a shade darker for a moment as he licked his lips. "Believe me, if I had more time, I'd do more than lick you, but that will have to do for now." Before Cori could reply, there was a knock at the front door. "That's mom. She's going to head to the hospital with you while I go home and change then check in at the clubhouse."

As Jax went to answer the door, Cori sat trying to figure out what just happened. Ok, obviously, it was pretty clear what happened, but she was shocked that Jax was moving as fast as he was. Before she could give it much thought, Gemma and Jax were walking into the kitchen arguing about something and taking Cori's attention.


Cori watched out of the corner of her eye as Gemma kept glancing at her as she drove. Finally, the older woman sighed and lit a cigarette as they sat at a stop light. "So you and my son, huh?" She shrugged and grinned. "You looked pretty cozy this morning... all domestic and shit."

Cori smirked a little as she looked at Gemma in the driver seat. She and Jax both had vetoed Cori's decision to drive herself, and since she was outvoted, she was presently in the passenger seat. "You disapprove?"

Gemma snorted and shook her head as she turned at the intersection in front of the hospital. "Baby, I'm not disappointed, I'm fucking thrilled and you know it."

Cori tried to hide her grin at Gemma's declaration. "I don't honestly know what's going on between us, Gem."

Gemma turned off the car and turned to Cori, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. "I know what's going on between you. My son finally pulled his head out of his ass and made the right decision." She let go of Cori's hand and shook her head as she grabbed her handbag. "Let's just hope he doesn't fuck it up."

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