Chapter Thirteen

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Jax slowly came awake to the sound of Cori muttering to herself as she stood in front of her closet. He grinned as he took in her still-wet body wrapped only in a towel and her hair piled up in another towel. If he got to wake up to that sight every morning for the rest of his life, he'd surely die a happy man. He stretched as she turned from the closet with a blouse and skirt in hand, pausing when she saw that Jax was awake and smirking at her.

"What are you smiling about first thing in the morning?"

Jax's smile widened as she laid her clothes on the bed before reaching into a drawer for undergarments. "You, standing over there looking like a dirty angel sent to tempt me."

Cori scoffed and shook her head. "I'm just a woman trying to get dressed. They're releasing dad this morning."

Jax nodded as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching his back. "That's great, babe. Let me grab a shower and I'll ride with you."

Cori shook her head as she grinned at him. "I'm afraid that won't work. Your mother already called this morning and you have church in an hour."

Jax groaned and shook his head. "Fuck! Ok, fine, mom can ride with you and I'll catch up after I'm done at the clubhouse."

Cori chuckled as he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. "Nope, that won't work either. Your mom has to work in the office this morning." She almost moaned out loud as his lips found her favorite spot on her neck. "You're just going to have to let me go somewhere alone for a change. I swear I'm old enough to handle it." He growled against her neck as his hands wandered. She giggled then screeched as one of his hands connected with her bare ass under the towel. He chuckled against her neck and squeezed her cheek before releasing her. She cleared her throat and pointed with one suddenly shaky hand to the bathroom. "You can go ahead and shower, help yourself to something for breakfast. I already made coffee."

He smirked before biting his lip and slowly shaking his head. He backed up and sat down on the end of the bed, leaning back to rest on his hands as he studied her standing in front of him. "I got time. They won't start anything until I get there. Besides, I think the best seat in the house right now is here, watching you get dressed."

Cori blushed and shook her head as he gave her a wicked grin and wink. "Seriously? You're just going to sit there and watch me get dressed?"

He nodded. "Yup. Look, it's not like I'm not going to see you naked eventually. Hopefully tonight."

Cori just shrugged and picked up her black lace panties. He was right, they were heading in that direction, although why he wanted to watch her get dressed was beyond her. As she pulled the underwear up her legs and under the towel, she turned her back to him to put her bra on. She held in a girlish giggle when she let the towel drop and heard him groan. From the sounds he made, she thought he might be in physical pain when she drew the snug black pencil skirt up her legs, shimmying a little to get it over her hips and zipped at the waist.

She chuckled as she turned to face him while pulling on her blouse. "Are you happy now?"

Jax grinned and nodded. "Yes, I am, although now my shower is gonna be a cold one." He stood up and walked over to draw her into a hug, kissing her on the neck right below her ear. "Babe, I just want us to be a normal couple, do normal shit." He shrugged. "I know my life isn't normal for the most part, but I want us to have as much of that as we can."

Cori nodded, understanding what he was saying. She leaned up and gave him a kiss before stepping back out of his arms. "I get that. I mean, my life isn't what you would call normal right now either."

Jax nodded as he reached down for the duffel bag by the dresser. "Yeah, but it's going to help to have your dad here. You won't have to run back and forth to the hospital all the time."

Cori nodded. "Yeah, that's going to be great. I might even fix dinner tonight instead of ordering out. When does Abel get sprung from the toaster?"

Jax grinned. "In the next couple of days if he continues to eat like he is now."

Cori nodded and smiled as she slipped her feet into her heels. "That's great, Jax. See? Everything is starting to even out."

Jax grinned as she walked back over to him for another kiss. "Ok, so I'll see you sometime later? I need to go check on Abel after the clubhouse, and I'm sure there are other things on my agenda that I just don't know about yet, but I should be able to be home for dinner."

Cori nodded. "That sounds great, but you know, if you can't, that's fine too. Just let me know one way or the other, ok?"

Jax grinned. "Yes, dear."

Cori laughed as she started out of the bedroom. "See? How much more normal can we get?"

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