Chapter Sixteen

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Cori sat dry-eyed as the minister gave her father's eulogy. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and the birds singing in the trees. She smiled to herself at the thought that she hoped her father could see them all sitting here in the cemetery. It seemed that Harry Langford had been loved by everyone in town because it felt like the whole town had turned out to tell him goodbye.

SAMCRO had given him an escort to the cemetery, Piney leading the way in front of the hearse to see off his old friend. Gemma had ridden with Cori, not wanting her to be alone at a time like that, and Cori was grateful to the matriarch. She was presently seated in the front row by her father's coffin, Piney on one side of her and Jax on the other. She knew that Gemma, Clay, Opie, and Donna were right behind her, as well as the rest of the Sons.

As the minister finished the final prayer and everyone stood, Cori saw Tara standing a little ways off from the group. She raised a brow but said nothing, knowing that the other woman wasn't there to pay her respects. When they all stood to leave, Tara walked over to stand beside Jax, touching him on the arm. Cori was taken by surprise when Jax moved his arm and glared at the other woman.

"What do you want, Tara?"

Cori saw Tara swallow hard before stepping closer. "Jax, I think we need to talk."

Jax chuckled and shook his head but the look on his face was far from pleasant as he looked at Tara. "Really? Now? We just buried Cori's father, Tara. I don't think now's the time."

Before Tara could speak, Cori squeezed Jax's hand and nodded to him. "Go ahead. It must be important. I'll see you later at the wake."

Jax shook his head before he leaned down, turning her face up to his to give her a kiss. He stared into her eyes for a moment before giving her a small smile. "Mom's gonna ride with you back to your house. I'll see you at the clubhouse in a little while, okay?"

Cori nodded and followed Gemma and Piney to the car as Jax and Tara walked in the opposite direction. Cori saw Opie lean in and say something to Donna before kissing her and following Jax. Donna walked over and smiled at her as she put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm going to ride with you and Gem. Opie wants to stay and keep an eye out." She shrugged. "Just to be safe."


When they were a decent distance away from the rest of the group, Jax turned to watch Cori walk to the car with Donna and his mother, nodding to Opie when he saw his best friend standing by a tree, pretending to not be watching them. Jax smirked before turning a suddenly serious face to Tara. 

"What was so important that it couldn't wait until after Harry was buried?"

Tara winced at that and shrugged. "I admit my timing could have been better, but... I haven't seen you since the party for Abel and I was worried. I suppose Cori told you what I said to her but I wanted a chance to tell my side."

Jax frowned and shook his head. "I haven't talked to you since the party because I think I was pretty clear that night that nothing was going to happen between us. Cori didn't say anything to me, but suppose you tell me what you said to my old lady? Are you the reason she's hardly spoken to me since that night?"

Jax saw Tara flinch at his name for Cori, but he figured that she might as well get used to it because as soon as possible, he was making Cori his. Tara took a deep breath before nodding. "Yeah, probably. I just told her that she should go back to Michigan after Harry died and that we were together... "

Jax stopped her with a hand held up. "Wait. We aren't together, Tara. I couldn't have been more fucking clear about that if I took out a damn billboard. I'm with Cori now."

Tara scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, come on, Jax. Are you really going to tell me that this isn't just because your best buddy came back and you feel bad because her father died?"

Jax looked at her for a long moment before shaking his head. "You kill me, Tara. Whatever we had died when you took off to Chicago ten years ago. I've grown up since then and now I have a son to raise, and god willing, Cori's going to be his mother." He shook his head again and held out his hands to his sides. "Get this through your head, alright? It's Coraline. It's always been Coraline but I was too stupid to see it. Now I do, and hell will freeze over before I let you ruin this for me. Move on, for both our sakes!"

Without another word, he walked away toward his bike, feeling Opie fall in beside him. He needed to get to Cori before she did something stupid and made him chase her hot ass all the way to Michigan.


When Jax and Opie strode into Cori's house ten minutes later, all movement stopped at the sight of the fury on Jax's face. He turned to his mother and Donna, motioning toward the door. "You two go on to the clubhouse with Opie. We'll be there in a bit." When Gemma cast an uneasy look between Jax and Cori, Jax glared at her. "Go, mom. She'll be fine. I've never hit a woman... yet."

Gemma rolled her eyes as she kissed Cori then Jax before pointing a finger in her son's face. "Just remember that she's had enough stress the last few days, okay? Don't cause her more."

Jax just turned his gaze onto Cori as the other three left. When they were through the door, Jax slammed it shut then leaned against it as Cori leaned against the wall opposite him. Finally, Cori cleared her throat. "What's wrong, Jax?"

Jax shrugged. "Oh, nothing much. I'm just wondering... were you going to tell me goodbye or just leave without saying anything?"

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