Chapter I - The beginning

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A/N - Most of the story is going to be in Delphi's POV

Delphi's POV

It was not long before the beginning  of the Battle of Hogwarts that I took my first breath. I was born somewhere around March 1998, I never got to know exactly the day. The only thing I know is that it was a rainy day, and that my mother and father were both dead a few months after I came into the world.

I am currently living with Euphemia Rowle, a woman that despised me from the second she laid eyes on me, she told my I was going to have a "sticky end". Tomorrow is the day I am to turn 15, and I have a feeling something is going to change. 


Arrgh, that's her. 



Did I mention she hated me? Oh because she does. I bet she's calling me to do something for her.

Guess what? I was right! She wants me to make dinner, and you know why? Because we are going to have guests and the woman's so lazy she can't do it by herself, says "it's too much work". At least I know how to cook something decent.

As I was finishing with dinner, I heard the door open, and I figured the guests had arrived. But when I went to look, I saw only one man, tall with dark brown hair and he looked a mess. He had dirt all over his face and clothes that looked like trash bags. He took a glance at me and smirked, and let me tell you, his smile was the worst of it all. I instantly turned over and went to serve dinner, and as I was sitting down I looked at the man and I caught him looking at me. I was about to turn around when he started talking.

- You look so much like your mother, it's incredible.

I was shocked. 

- W-what? - I asked. - You knew her?

- Well of corse! Didn't Euphemia here tell you?

I shock my head slowly, as I glanced at Mrs. Rowle.

- So she doesn't know anything? - the strange man half-whispered to her.

- I didn't see a point in telling her! - she protested.

- Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?? - I snapped.

They looked at each other, and then the man sighed and looked at me.

- I'm Rodolphus, Delphini. Rodolphus Lestrange. - he said.

I had no idea what was that supposed to mean, but I let him continue.

- I was married to Bellatrix Lestrange, your mother.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I heard that, but I wouldn't let them spill.

- A-and h-how do I know you're telling me the truth? - I asked, trying to steady my voice.

- You'll have to trust me. - he stated. 

- B-but does that mean you're m-my - I took a deep breath - my f-father?

- No. More like a step father. Your dad was the Dark Lord.

- T-the what?

- Dark Lord. Voldemort. No?

I shock my head.

- Do you even know what you are? - he asked.

- A wizard you mean?

- Yes. Your father was a very powerful wizard, he had a lot of followers and and he was very famous between the whole wizarding community.

- How did he die?

- Well... let's say he died fighting for what he believed on. As did your mother.

- And what was that? - I asked, curious.

- They both believed in a wizarding world made only of purebloods, and defended that muggles and wizards were not to be mixed.

- And where does that leave me?

- When you grow older, you are going to have a very important role in th-

- No! - interrupted Mrs. Rowle.

- This is not your place to interfere Euphemia! - said Mr. Lestrange, with a rather angry tone.

- I took her so this wouldn't happen! I won't let you do that! Your going to use the poor chi- - she tried to say, but I interrupted.

- Who are you to talk about being used? Have you not used me all these years I've been with you? Deny that you've treated me like dirt my whole life! That you let me live thinking my parents were some freaks who got themselves killed!

- Delphi, please... 

- My whole life you've told me I would have a sticky end, you've told me I was worthless, and you've lied to me! So if I must go with this man, a man who can tell me what has happened and make me actually be someone, then I will. - I stated. At this point my yes were very teary, and I struggled to not let them fall. I wasn't going to be weak. I've never been. I'll never be.

- Pack your things Delphini, you're moving in with me. - said Mr. Lestrange.

I nodded and went to my room to pack my stuff. I used a quick spell I learned in a book I read, and within a minute I was ready to go.

Mr. Lestrange gave me a smile, which I returned, and then we were ready to leave.

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