Chapter III - The Tattoo

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Delphi's POV

The next day I woke up and, for the first time, felt excited it was my birthday. For the past 14 years, my birthday was not considered a different day, but this time I would make the most of it. 

I got up from my bed, took a sip from the cup of water in my nightstand and got dressed in a dark blue dress that showed my back and put a little bit of make up on. I grabbed my wand and went downstairs, and, to my surprise, Rodolphus rose from behind the couch with a cake.

- Happy Birthdaaaaaaay!!!! - he screamed.

I smiled at him a he came to me and gave me a hug.

He was now cleaned up and in proper clothes, and I wondered why had he been all dirty yesterday, but didn't ask him, I didn't want to seem rude.

- What do you want to do? - he asked, while cutting the cake in slices and handing me one.

- I don't know, what are the options? - I said, taking a bite from the cake, which, may I had, was delicious.

- Well, we could go and walk around the town and do some shopping for you, and then you can decide whatever you want. How does that sound?

- Fine by me. - I said, while taking one last bite at the cake.

As we finished eating I decided to go upstairs and fix my make up, while I waited for Rodolphus to get ready, and then we took off.

He talked to me about his adventures and his time with my mother, and whit each story I got more excited about having such an amazing mother.

What I noticed is that he kept avoiding the subject of my father, which I didn't understand, but didn't ask about it either.

When we finished the shopping we walked past a tattoo store, and I asked Rodolphus if he would let me have one, and he gladly let me.

I decided I would tattoo some augurey wings in my back, and after it was done, I was mesmerised by how beautiful they looked.

When Rodolphus saw what I had chosen to do he smiled at me and complimented my choice.

Then I went to dye my hair, since I didn't like the natural colour of it, and I decided on dyeing it grey and add some blue strands.

After that, we went to get ice cream and walked around a bit, then went home.

As we were both tired, we used apparition and arrived in no time. 

As we entered the house, I spotted a small gift, that laid on top of a table, and looked at it and them at Rodolphus, who nodded, as if telling me to go ahead and open it.

I started unwrapping the gift gently, and when I saw what it was, my heart almost stopped.

- Is-is it h-her? - I asked Rodolphus.

- Yes, it's her. - He said gently, smiling.

It was a picture of my mother, in a black and green robe, that looked amazing on her, and she was smiling softly and them she would start laughing and covering her face. I smiled at the picture and touched her face with my fingers, as in hope to be able to actually feel her.

- She was sixteen in this picture, we were in our sixth year at Hogwarts. - he said.

-Hogwarts? - I asked, confused.

- Yes, the wizarding school. I take it you have no idea what I'm talking about?

I shock my head.

He then started explaining to me how did Hogwarts work, the four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, he said they were all in Slytherin, so I assumed that is were I would have been put on. He told me about the classes, rivalries, quidditch, and everything else and I have to admit that it sounded spectacular.

We spent the rest of the day talking and playing boardgames, such as wizard's chess, which I won all three times we played. I felt a really strong bond, and I was sure it was de beginning of something good.

It was, by far, the best birthday of my life.

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