Chapter IV - The Dark Lord

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Delphi's POV

The day after I woke up feeling refreshed, and a bit sore because of the tattoo, but overall, I woke up extremely happy.

I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and went upstairs, not bothering to grab my wand, as I was sure Rodolphus was genuine.

When I entered the kitchen, a didn't see Rodolphus anywhere, but there were some recently made french toasts, with a note laying beside them.

Good Morning Delphi,

I went to the grocery to buy some stuff but I won't be long. Make yourself comfortable, look around if you want. The french toast is enchanted so it won't get cold, I hope you like it, I didn't know what to do.


I smiled at the letter and started eating.

When I finished my breakfast, I started walking around the house, trying to get to know it so I wouldn't get lost.

Then I walked through one particular room, with the name "Bellatrix Lestrange" in it. I entered the room and took in the sight: dark walls with moving pictures all around, a little window on the corner which made the room look darker, some dark green and black furniture, that I took as if they were supposed to represent the Slytherin house, and several jewels, mostly made of gold, emerald and silver. There was one that caught my attention: it was a silver short necklace with a craved snake in it that had emerald eyes. I gently picked it and tied it around my neck, and I decided to wear it, unless Rodolphus told me not to.

After that, I continued looking around the room, and saw a picture of a snake-looking like man, with red eyes and no nose, and he was standing beside my mother. I looked at the back of the picture and what was written there socked me.

Bellatrix Lestrange and the Dark Lord - November, 1997  

I gulped and turned the picture around again, looking at the man. 

It can't be - I thought. - This is my father?

I didn't know how to feel. I was disgusted at the appearance of the man, yet, relieved to finally know his face.

Suddenly Rodolphus came in and groaned because he was carrying lots of bags, so I got down and helped him, which he was thankful for.

As we were finishing putting the groceries to place, I turned to Rodolphus.

- Rodolphus? - I asked.

- Yeah?

- Why do you avoid talking to me about my father?

- Well... hmm... i-it's complicated. - he said, quite nervous.

- Why? You told me he was a great man, and that he did great things! Why are you so scared? It's not like I would get mad at him, I mean, he's dead! - I replied.

- Yes, your father did great things, but to achieve those things he had to use certain methods, methods you will not be pleased to hear. But you have to understand that it had to be done, ok?

I nodded.

- Well, - he started - the Dark Lord was an extremely powerful man, but unfortunately,  in 1981, after trying to murder some opponents, part of his soul attached itself to a little boy, after he tried to use the killing curse on him. The boy's name was Harry Potter.

- You mean The Harry Potter? The boy whose name is everywhere? - I asked, surprised.

- Yes that one. Anyway, after a part of his attached itself to the little boy, Voldemort got ripped away from his body. He was not dead, but he didn't have access to his physical form. That happened because before the little boy's mother died, she had cast a spell on your father that wouldn't allow him to touch her son. And, for almost 14 years, he was stuck in not being able to touch or feel anything. Then, in 1995, he finally found a way to regain a permanent physical body.

- All that happened because he tried to kill a kid? Wow. - I said, surprised.

- Well, yeah. And because that protective mother he had. - he stated. - Ok, were was I? Oh, yes. He regained his body, but because of the unicorn blood that he consumed to make him live longer, his appearance was not the best.

- Yes I noticed that. - I said grinning.

- As I was saying, after he had his own body, he needed to kill Harry Potter, so he could make the wizarding world a world of only the purest of bloods.

- Why bother so much with a kid instead of just going ahead and doing his thing?

- I'm not sure, but if the kid had died I know we would have won the war. - he said, sighing. - Well, the rest of the story we shall leave for another time. It's time for lunch. Do you want to go out or just eat here?

- Let's go out. There was a restaurant around the corner that looked delicious.

- Well then, off we go! - he said, grinning.

We spent the rest of the day talking about random stuff, and then we played wizard chess, which may I add, I was in love with.

It was a good day, and I went to sleep tired, yet, I couldn't help but think about outcomes that not trying to kill the kid in the first place could have led to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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