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As we were walking to lunch a hand pulled Daniel back by his shoulder.

"Hey Danny boy!" A blonde haired boy sneers.


Daniel whimpers in response and I try to calm him down by rubbing his hand with my thumb.

"I heard about your crazy ass being stuck in the loony bin!" Julian laughs. "How was it?"

"I-I-I'm n-not c-c-crazy." Daniel mumbles.

"I-I-I'm n-not c-c-crazy." Julian mocks.

"Hey! dejar a mi amigo solo perra tonta es mejor que te cierres la boca antes de que te saque los dos dientes frontales (leave my friend alone you dumb bitch. you best shut the fuck up before i knock your two front teeth out)." Chloe shouts from behind me.

"Pipe down, mami! No one understands you, go back to Mexico." Julian laughs.

Dani looks around worriedly and I let out a low whistle.

He shouldn't of done that.

Chloe's face turns bright red with anger and she ties her hair back into a ponytail.

She takes off her jacket and her earrings before running up to Eben.

She jumps onto him, pushing him down and scratching him on the face.

She takes a couple of swings at him and he yells for her to get off.

She full on attacks him and all the while she kept screaming. "¡morir! Tú eres un cabrón racista (die! You racist scumbag)."

I decide not to intervene with Chloe's attacking but Zach has different thoughts.

He runs towards them and tries to pull her off of Julian.

Chloe kicked and fussed like a baby until Zach finally had her in his grip.
"Herron, you need to control your chick. She's crazy!" Julian screeches before running away.

"idiota estúpido (stupid jerk)." Chloe mutters.

"You know, you can't just go around attacking people whenever you feel like it." I say.

"Yes I can. Watch me." She insists before walking off.

"You forgot your jacket!" Zach shouts before running after her with her stuff.

"They're a match made in heaven." I laugh.

"Mmhmm." Daniel hums in response.


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