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"And now please welcome the Rose Academy's Marching band!" said the esteemed Vice Principal Erwin Smith. I walked in swiftly while gazing to my fellow band mates. In front of me was my best friend Armin Arlert. His golden locks peeking out against our green uniforms. He glanced back at me with a smile before tripping up the bleachers and into our much taller friend Bertholdt Hoover. "He always does this" said the tall boy while attempting to help our friend up and continuing our stride despite the small delay. On the other side of the gym I could hear the roaring laughter of Sasha Blause as she watched her best friend Connie imitate the head cheerleader, Krista Reiss who could not stop barking orders at the lower class men in her squad. Her half brother, Reiner Braun rolled his eyes in annoyance as some of those orders were thrown at him. "Where do you think Eren is?" said our drum major, Mikasa.

As the band settled into their seats on the bleachers, I heard the voice of our head football coach Hanji. The coach had a slightly delusional tone in her voice as she rambled on about the upcoming game against the titans while her ever exhausted assistant coach, Moblit, tried to help her avoid running into things as she was lost in her ramblings. First to walk in behind Hanji was Eren Yeager; a tall boy with quite the infatuation with Mikasa as they had been dating for their entire high school career. As Eren walked in, all I could hear were the love-struck screams coming from Mikasa. "Hey Babe!" said Eren with a wink while giving a wave next to me to Armin. Behind Eren stood the rest of the football team. In walked Ymir, with an annoyed expression at the atrocious amount of yelling coming from the stands. As they slowly made their way to the bleachers, the team's quarterback walked in. A tall, muscular boy named Jean. Jean was not your typical Rose Academy student. He came from Marley High; the smallest school in our district and not typically known for neither sports or academics. He was here because our football coaches saw him play against another rival school and scouted him along with Ymir. Due to his amazing skills, our team has won the first few games of the season.

As Jean walked in, his eyes darted to Krista. "Hey hot stuff" he yelled at the obviously annoyed girl. "Back at you handsome" Reiner said with a wink causing an explosion of laughter from the stands. I watched Jean quickly make his way to his seat, trying to hide his embarrassment. Reiner wasn't entirely wrong I thought. I never understood how someone who was so entitled could be loved by the entire school. When Jean first transferred in, he was just as much of an outcast as me, but when he started showing his skills on the field, he quickly became the most popular boy in the school. "Okay everyone settle down" said the admired vice principal Erwin Smith "now i know you're all excited about the upcoming game against the Titans, but let's not forget about our academic decathlon this Saturday! So be sure to come out and support your fellow classmates there as well!" he said with an enthusiastic grin, obliviously ignoring the groans from one half of the student-body and the mooning looks from the other half. He stepped aside and allowed Coach Hanji, followed by her less enthusiastic assistant coach Moblit, take the mic.

Hanji started her speech, but all we could hear was the screeching coming from the mic after she slammed her hands on it. I could not bare the thought of listening to yet another speech on football and defeating the Titans. Laughter erupted from the football players after hearing Hanji's speech. I glanced over at Jean and noticed that he was the only one not causing an uproar. Instead he was glaring down at the ground, nearly burning a hole near his shoes. Surely he isn't still upset over Reiner's comment I thought; Reiner is like that with everyone. After two months of being at this school he should know that. Eren noticed Jean's expression and quickly nudged the boy earning himself a scowl from his roommate. I don't understand how those two haven't managed to kill each other yet. Armin and I have heard the late night arguments from our conjoined dorms. With what we have heard, you would think it's the start of WWIII every afternoon.

After the pep rally was over, I went back to our dorm to get ready for bed. I had a huge Biology test the next morning and needed to get some sleep. Just as I was falling asleep I heard a loud yell coming from the bathroom. I jumped out of bed and ran into the room to find Jean with one fist clenched and the other grabbing the collar of Armin's shirt. "I told you to wait you're damn turn, fag!" I could feel my heart racing as hearing that word sent chills down my back. "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed with pure hatred. "Wow the other fag finally grew a pair" the stunned quarterback said. I'm sure he was not expecting me to say anything as I have only spoken to Jean a handful of times. My glare deepened as I shoved Jean and pulled Armin into our room. Jean slammed the door quickly after. "What was that?" I said to the stressed boy. "I was just brushing my teeth and he barged in and he immediately started with his attitude" said Armin "All I said was wait your turn." I rolled my eyes before sending a glare to the door where I could hear the shower starting. "Doesn't that word bother you?" I asked Armin. He paused before saying, "No, not really because that's just pure ignorance but that might be because I'm not gay." He pauses for a moment before looking up to me and saying, "Why does it bother you?" I looked up at him in surprise after averting my eyes and saying, "Let's just get some sleep. We've both had enough drama for one night." Armin laughed nervously and climbed into bed.

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