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This is Andrei Jabal

The damn Louvre.

That made a million things run through my head, good things and bad things. If I get the money dad and I could be safe and happy, if I get caught I'm in prison and dads by himself. It's a bit of a sticky one still, well it's a massive sticky one......still.

" sweetheart we need to go now it's 9 am" I haven't even told him yet, quickly running out of my room I stopped behind him. He was trying to make breakfast, he can't cook well by the way; burnt toast has become the norm for us. Placing the crispy toast on the table I sighed heavily.

"Dad I've got something to tell you" I mumbled, he put the butter knife down and turned my way, a confused look plastered on his face.

"Go o.....oh looks like they're here already"

Gently pushing past me he sauntered to the door. Noticing the confidence in his walk I began getting nervous, he isn't nervous no more. Something is definitely wrong, I feel it in my vagina.

The vagina never lies.

My father the ultimate nervous wreck spoke without stuttering in this kind of situation.

Following him towards the door I stopped suddenly in my tracks, instead of being met with big henchmen my eyes were graced with the presence of the sexiest man alive.

There's a man, wearing an Armani suit, a gold Rolex and a precisely cut beard line with a sexy looking beard standing at our doorstep. What the hell is going on, I thought.

Quickly pushing past dad I stood in front of him protectively, the man smirked at me, he fricken smirked.

" May I come inside?" he asked huskily, I was about to kick his nuts and push him out but dad hurriedly moved me out of the way and made him sit.

" mist...mister Andrei Jabal, what brings you here....not that you can't be here but you know" dad stuttered, I'm still shocked that a man in a suit is in my house, suits mean power. Power means narcissist.

I don't like narcissists. Although he is a very fit narcissist, his structured yet soft face and gentle stubble makes him look amazing, unfortunately. The man glanced my way blankly.

" your daughter has accepted a job, a very important job for that matter" He started confidently, pushing my body from the doorway I walked up to him angrily.

" I don't know who the hell you are " I growled out, the Andrei man's eyes left dad and landed on me. There was not an ounce of emotion prominent on his sharp features, he glanced at his watch before standing up slowly.

" listen here eehira " he muttered staring at me viciously " you accepted a job remember, the Louvre?"

No fucking way.

" yes fucking way, I'm also the man your father owes money too" NO FUCKING WAY again. I couldn't help but growl making him frown, he cannot be the man I have researched. That man never leaves his office, he doesn't do street work so why is he in my house.

Why did he need to make it personal, I'm not a valuable asset yet? I am confusion.

A big part of me doesn't want to work for him but at the same time I have never cancelled a job before and I won't start now. Also, the fact that my whole overall plan has worked, he needs me.

Why am I avoiding it, the only way forward is this. The plan bloody worked, the mafia needs me and he needs me. They can't do this without me.

I wonder how they heard of me though. Jamal and Finn like to keep me hidden for my protection, they treat me like a little sister. Especially Jamal, he gets angry whenever Finn suggests a dangerous mission.

I love these boys with my life. Can't be said for the man in front of me.

"My daughter will not work for you!" Dad yelled taking a stand in front of me, he looks absolutely furious.

His confidence, his aura, his face; well his face is sexy but apart from that I hate him, despise already. Andrei glanced at his watch again before stalking towards dad, I turned my body towards them hurriedly, what he was planning to do, I had no idea.

Before I could react Andrei punched dad, his suit stretching at the movement. Dad stumbled back hitting the wall harshly, oh hell to the fuck no. Without thinking I ran straight up to him and right hooked him twice before I kicked him in the shin, which resulted in an animalistic growl escaping his lips.

I attempted to reach for dad but he grabbed my arm and pushed me onto the nearest wall. His heated body touching mine.

I was trapped. A psychopathic twinkle shone in his orbs as he held me tighter. His knuckles turning pure white from the tense hold, oh God, I can no longer feel my arm.

" let go of me!" I seethed trashing around in his hold, Andrei slammed my head against the wall once again to subdue me. It worked, the searing pain shot through my body forcing me into submission.

" sir let go" dad stuttered behind him attempting to get off the floor, he went too far, he hurt dad.

" no one, I mean no fucking one dares to touch me. Once the missions over I'll show you who the fuck I am "

He Needs Me (Wattys 2020)Where stories live. Discover now