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Throughout the whole ceremony I couldn't concentrate, what the hell was Andrei doing here. When I saw him my eyes travelled from his black slacks to his plain white button up, his shoes and socks were discarded on a similar rack in front of him.

I didn't let my gaze get any further, he was obviously angry and it's not a good time for me to get mad too.

" it's done, he's officially Muslim" her words caught my attention as did the cheers on the other side of the curtain, they're all so happy.

Stupid women, I missed it all.

" what do you want me to call you" ok where did that come from, I need to think sometimes. Shazia shuffled her body my way so she faced me, a little worry etched on her old features. For a 37 year old she looks a little older but beautiful nevertheless.

" whatever you want, ama, hala, or even just Shazia." She said happily. I nodded my head enthusiastically, there's a lot of options, I like options.

" Storm I want you to be happy, Im not just marrying your dad technically your in the deal." She giggled, her words only make me like her more.

" I'm happy, just keep dad happy ok"

" always beti, now let's get going, I'm going to pop to the toilet just wait outside for me ok" standing up we both exited the empty room, I slipped my sandals on and stood outside the bathroom door.

Dude I am starving, we were in such a rush this morning I forgot to eat. I mean we are celebrating dads conversion so we would need to buy a lot of food.

Hearing the door open I turned expecting Shazia with a smile but that smile was instantly wiped of my lips, Andrei.

He stalked towards me and didn't stop there, grabbing my arm he threw me into the room Shazia and I were just in.

"Andrei what are you doing" I asked, my body shook in fury.

Running a hand through his hair he groaned in anger.

" I can't believe I'm fucking saying this but you wearing this has me feeling the need to fu..." I interrupted him before he could say something so crude in a place of worship.

" how dare you! We're in a mosque" he only came closer, his body centimetres away from mine.

" I don't care" Andrei grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his chest, a gasp escaped my lips at the sudden contact. His hooded gaze roamed my covered body.

What the hell is he doing.
"  you said you'd leave me alone so do it. Stick to your word" I seethed out.

" are you Muslim now?"

" no dad is, I came to be here for him" for some reason a little relief washed over him. He pushed me into the wall harshly.

" I need to fuck y..." are you kidding me. Pushing his body away I groaned in anger.

" stop swearing! You disrespectful bag of cocaine . I'm not Muslim but atleast I respect where we are, this is a mosque! stay the hell away from me Andrei" with one last glare I pulled open the wooden door, I was ready to sprint but Shazia stood worriedly in front of me.

oh thank God she didn't come inside. It'd be so hard to explain.

" you had me worried I thought you got lost! " she sighed in relief, plastering a fake smile upon my lips I grabbed my phone from the dresses pocket.

" I left my phone in there, let's go dad must be waiting for us" she nodded and led the way out of the mosque.

What just happened.

He Needs Me (Wattys 2020)Where stories live. Discover now