Aj meets izuku

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"Dad,...other Dad I'm going out" Aj yells as she finishes tying her black boots. "Okay Aj" her father otherwise known as the pro-hero eraser head said. "BE CAREFUL YOU DONT KNOW IF ANY VILLAINS ARE LURKING AROUND!!!" Her other more rambunctious dad yelled. He was known as the pro-hero president mic. Of course Aj was adopted when she was about 4 or so. Aj has a quirk she likes to call water manipulation. Her body is 98% water. She can turn her limbs or whole body into water and shoot water out of her hands. The only downside is that she can get extremely dehydrated if she uses her power too much or just doesn't drink water. She can drink water based things like tea to hydrate her too. She grabs her water bottle that almost looks like a gallon and heads out. Her short blue hair bouncing gracefully each time she took a step.

Ajs pov
Most people at first thought I was aizawas biological child because I act the most like him on the outside but once the other hero's or kids got to know me I was more like my other dad president mic. It's kinda funny. I slowly walk through the city as I take in the terrain. I was walking by a middle school when I saw a koi fish pond. I smiled and ran towards it. I put my hand in the water and watched the koi. When suddenly something splashed into the water. It looked like a journal of some sort. I used my powers to grab it in a bubble so it would at least be sort of dry. Suddenly a boy that looked my age ran out of the school building and was looking for what I assumed to be his journal. "Hey kid" I said he turned around to face me he had floofy green hair green eyes and cute little freckles. "Is this your" I paused. "Hero analysis for the future number 13?" I finished. "Uh yes actually" the boy said to me. "Oh well here you go it fell in the pond and I tried to save it before it got too wet." I explained while handing him the book. "Oh thankyou so much" he smiled. "My name is Aj" I decided not to tell him my last name Incase he goes to U.A. and finds out. "Hi I'm izuku midoriya" midoriya greets. "Hi I don't really like formalities so can I call you izuku?" I asked. "Oh sure okay" izuku smiled. "So why did you throw out your hero notes?" I ask
"I didn't" izuku responded "my friend kacchan did" "well you need some new friends thankfully I AM HERE" I announced trying to imitate all might "you like allmight too" izuku smiles. "Who doesn't" I reply. "Hey wanna walk with me" I say before I take a big drink from my water bottle. "Sure. What's with the.." I cut him off "it's for my quirk. Water manipulation if you where wondering" "woah that's so cool" izuku begins to write on a new page of his book. "See check this out" I say as my hand turns into liquid "that makes me pretty invulnerable to attack's" he continues writing down what I said in his book. But we where both not prepared for what would come next. A huge slime monster took both of us and started suffocating us. I can't breathe.....

and suddenly everything went black.

When I woke up I saw a figure lightly tapping my face. Wait that wasn't any figure. "Aj you alright dear" my uncle Toshinori said to me. He was not a real uncle but he was such a close family friend I called him that one day and it stuck. Oh yea he's also known as allmight. "Yea it's me but your boyfriend here is still sleeping" uncle Toshinori said. I quickly bolted up"B-boyfriend I don't have a boyfriend!?" "Only teasing young aizawa." Toshinori said to me. I crawled over to izuku and me and Toshinori started repetitively lightly slapping him slowly he came to his senses. "ALLMIGHT!?" He squealed. "YES I AM HERE" Toshinori said to us. "Oh my gosh I would be honored if you signed my....HE ALREADY SIGNED IT!" Izuku smiles. "Well I have to go to the station to take this back" Toshinori says gesturing towards the slime monster in a plastic can. "Thankyou.....T-allmight" I said. Suddenly izuku was not there anymore as well as allmight. Man izukus insane climbing onto a pro hero like that. Good thing that when I woke up I turned to the page I was on and wrote my number

Hey it's Aj call me I'll tell you more about my quirk

Hey guys how did you like the first installment. Kinda boring expositional stuff I know I know. But it'll get better in the next chapter. For now go beyond plus ultra!

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