Chapter Thirteen: It's the dreams that shake you from sleep

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"You're terribly selfish."

Chided the soothing voice of an American girl.

"You won't let someone else have my attention for even a minute."

I turned my head and there she was-- big dark eyes and all-- as real as every ache in my body.

"Hello Nin."


I groaned as I sat up, the mere act of motion was painful.

I reached for my cigarettes but my coat had been removed from my person-- as had my shoes.

"Amateurs," I muttered.

"What was that?" Nin asked.

"Grave robbers got the wrong brother."

"Looking for your cigarettes?"

"It's unsettling how well you know me already."

"What's there to know?" Nin picked up the pack from some place off the floor and handed it to me, "So far you only do two things: speak and smoke. You don't even take time to breathe and apparently you don't sleep. You just keep going until you faint."

"How long was I out for?"

"Uh three-- four days."

I fixed her with lifted brow before I torched the cigarette.

"Doubtful. You're wearing the same dress."

I would never be able to forget her in that dress.

"I didn't want to leave your side."

"I was unconscious. You could've changed here."

"For all I knew you were faking it until I got my clothes off."

"I was not faking it. I've seen you without clothes."

"All the more reason for you to want to do so again."

"For someone who is absolutely self-loathing-- you certainly have a high opinion of yourself."

"A few hours."


"You've been out for a few hours. I took your coat off because I didn't want you to be uncomfortable."

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