Chapter 3: Take it or Leave it

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Song for this Chapter: You Give Love a Bad Name By: Bon Jovi


June 15th, 1989

I sat on my bike as I waited outside the high school for the dismissal bell to go. The sun was hot, beating down on the back of my neck so intensely, I had to take off the leather jacket that me, Bear, and Mack had gotten in the city a few days ago. They both insisted now that they learned how to ride and fixed themselves up bikes of their own that we call ourselves something—like some kind of band of misfits or some shit. After going through multiple terrible names like— Badass Boys, Wild Bucks of Tooele, and Heartless Heathens of Hades, we finally decided on The Hell's Tribe. I didn't really know where it came from, or what it meant, but we got something drawn up, got matching tats, and then had it patched on to our leathers—and I had to admit, it looked awesome. But, the summer weather was well and truly here and I was sweating like a hooker in church. No matter how cool I looked with that leather on, I couldn't wear it for a second longer. Admittedly— I had wanted to keep it on just long enough for Val to see it, but the heat wave was not allowing that to happen. I ripped it off my arms as if it was on fire and it practically stuck to me for how sweaty I was. Not the best look when I was trying to convince Val to hang out, but I figured the whole waiting outside the school like a creep might win her over.

The bell sounded a few moments later, and while I contemplated putting it back on for just a few moments, the idea was not worth the trouble.

I kept my eyes peeled on the crowd of students exiting through the front doors, but none of them were Val. I knew she had to be here because her enrollment was the main reason I hadn't been able to see her as much as I wanted to—and what a fucking buzzkill that was. Thanks to her daily classes, and weirdly strict parents, I hadn't seen her much since that night at Black's, but not for lack of effort. That night had thrown my first impressions of Val out the window. She wasn't prissy or a prude—she was wild, fun, and fucking gorgeous.

I was distinctly reminded of that as I finally caught a glimpse of her shiny blonde hair and locked eyes with her. Her lips curled up into a smile as she crossed her arms over her chest. I couldn't help but smirk as she made her way over to me, and I also couldn't help but notice that everyone was staring. I couldn't blame them—it wasn't every day you caught me parked outside the high school waiting for some chick, but Valerie Mynett was worth every second of weird looks.

Fuck them all. It wasn't like I cared what these losers thought anyway. All I wanted was to see Val again before I took off with Bear to California this weekend.

Val walked slowly over to me, distinctly aware of the number of eyes that were watching us. She seemed almost nervous or unsure about it, but after turning her head to confirm just how many of her fellow students were watching her, she brushed it off her shoulders and came to a stop on the sidewalk just next to my bike and plopped down next to me with a bright smile.

"Planning to enroll as a mature student for the fall?" she asked.

I let out a laugh, as I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and placed it in between my lips. I didn't light it, but I could feel Val staring at it in my mouth. Poor girl was probably jonesing for one. I held out my pack, offering one to her, but she shook her head—too many eyes.

"Actually, I was just casing the place for this girl I know. Heard she goes here, maybe you've seen her?" I teased.

Val placed her index finger on her chin and looked up cluelessly. "Hmm," she mumbled. "I do know a lot of people. What's she look like?" she asked, playing along.

I bit my lip, fighting a smile. I liked this little game.

"She's about yay high," I said, holding up my hand to just below my shoulder. "Nice smile, blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and looks about as sweet as Sugar. Know anyone like that?"

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