Chapter 7: Details

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Hi everyone! So sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was on vacation last week and decided to take a break from writing and then I had some very unfortunate computer issues (big shout out to apple) but now it seems to be working fine so here is chapter 7! BTW WE HIT 1K WOOOHOOO. 

Song for this chapter: Forever Young By: Alphaville 


July 23rd, 1989

I was face down on my dad's old desk at the truck stop, nearly asleep when I heard a knock on the office door.

My head shot up, and Mack was standing in the doorway with his arms sluggishly crossed over his chest.

It was nearly three in the morning, and Mack and I had been waiting up all night for this one particular truck to come in. I had gotten here around ten—just after I'd dropped off Val down the street from her house. She had managed to sneak out a few times to come to see me, but always insisted that I drop her off at the next street over so she could walk the rest of the way. She claimed my bike was too loud, and it was safer for her to sneak back into her room on foot—but I had come to realize, Val didn't really seem to care anymore about her parent's rules. I had spent almost every single night with her since the concert, and her parents were completely oblivious to it all. We hadn't done anything yet—we mostly talked, kissed, and laughed, but that girl always seemed to put a smile on my face no matter what we were doing. She even wanted to come to hang out here when I told her I was "working" tonight, but I had insisted I drive her home because tonight was all business.

I made sure I showed up right on time only to find out that our driver was late. I was beginning to lose patience, and consciousness when Mack had walked in and got my attention.

"The truck from Cali's here," he informed.

I let out a breath of relief. "Thank fuck," I said. "This dumbass is five hours late," I groaned.

Mack shrugged. "Fernando said he had some trouble with the truck, but he got the package here."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess that's all that matters,"

I closed the office door shut behind me and followed Mack out the back doors towards the refuel station. The truck stop wasn't anything fancy or overly big like these new ones that were popping up, but it had been in my family since my dad was a kid. My grandpa and great uncle had gone in on it together and they passed it onto my dad when he and my mom got married. Now that my parents had decided it was time to retire and move to Flordia for the mild winters, it looked like this place belonged to me. The only problem with it was that it wasn't as prosperous as it once was. Tooele was one of the smaller cities in Utah and more of a detour spot than anything else. There weren't any major attractions or direct routes from here— meaning that profit from this shit box was at an all-time low. While I was the first to admit, my old man had let the place go and it could do with some upgrading, I was also not opposed to the idea of supplementing this place's income to generate some cash flow.

This is where Fernando came in.

Bear and I had met him through a mutual friend and he had inspired our ride all the way to California last month. He and his brothers had a crew who supposedly dealt the best blow in all of the West Coast, and thought it would be a great idea to start a new business relationship with us here in Utah. While Bear was unsure of the idea at first, I was all for testing out the waters.

The truck stop was the perfect way to do it. No one would question it when a semi-trailer passed through as they would if a newcomer kept showing up every few weeks, and I ran nearly every aspect of the truck stop on my own or with Bear and Mack. The few other employees we had worked only during daytime hours and all of the drop offs were scheduled late at night. It was the perfect way to import product without worrying about crossing any borders. The only thing we would have to figure out was a client base and distribution, but I wasn't too concerned about that. Especially now that it was summer time, I was confident we would be able to find some idiots willing to buy just for a good time.

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