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|Death-:The cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism's existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, non living state.

Chapter 1

Unknown POV

I watch the dying king as the last bit of life slipped away from him
He coughs up the black thick blood staining the white pillows and no one in the room had no idea how to save him, what to do, or what will happen when he finally gives up to the light.

In the large bedroom and his small frame on the bed he calls me forward.

Yes my king? Do you want anything? I ask my head slightly bowed.

Oh c-ut it o-ut he coughs spluttering blood on the white sheets, I watched the black blood, we had no idea how to heal him, we had no idea how he got sick or how the Royal blood was going to be wiped out after his death.

What will happen now?

I send him a small smile, I am the king right hand man.

I n-ee-d yo-u to fi-n-d h-er he coughs

Who? I ask confused as the other official men in the room walk forward to understand him, the last words he will utter.

O-ut everyone, he calls surprisingly in a commanding voice but still a bit of weakness strained into his voice.

They all walk out leaving me alone with him.

He sends me a small smile his lips coated with blood, his frail hands grabbing mine, I ne-ed yo-u to fin-d my da-ugh-ter he coughs out.

I stare at him, is he hallucinating? George, Sophia is dead I say my heart hurting just by saying it.

He shook his head trying to make me understand.

what exactly? I don't know-"

The last Royal bloodline he says with a strong voice for the first time not diving into a coughing fit.


He shook his head, her na-me is Jadelyn, pro-mi-se me yo-u wi-ll fin-d her, you will bri-ng her ba-ck to
l-ead her pe-o-ple he coughs out as the side of his eyes stain with blood, its the first time the king has ever cried, promise me you will find her Christian he calls out in a strained voice.

A sparkle of hope goes through me Jadel

He nods with a fond smile on his lips, she will be co-nfu-se-d bu-t brin-g her b-ac-k and ke-ep her safe.

My eyes go wide, you have another daughter? How did anyone not know about this?

My s-tud-y, the se-cre-t dr-aw-er I sho-w-ed you, yo-u'll fin-d out

I nod in understanding watching as the light in his eyes dies out slowly.

I sigh closing my eyes, my hands dropping to his dead eyes staring aimlessly, I drop my hand to his lids pulling them close.


That was the last thing The king said before he gave up, the life living his frail body.

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More chapters coming soon.

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