19th December 2018

539 53 8


Enjoy this Chapter:*


(Andy's POV)

I got up early, because we had a long day, a really long day ahead of us and needed to do so many different things today, I saw yesterday, that the recording didn't record a part of the Shawn Mendes Evolution singing parts, which meant that we needed to refilm about thirty minutes, so it now hopefully will take a little less time and we still need to shot the video itself for it, which we planned on doing in the afternoon and we still hadn't finished the video for Bohemian Rhapsody. Christmas Eve and Day were the targeted uploading days.

That meant we had a short studio session first to start it all off and after that we would start filming the actual video for it.

I was fearing that we wouldn't finish all those things on time, which would mean, that Rye and me couldn't go onto our date... to the restaurant today, so that would need to be changed to tomorrow. 'Fuck, I really wanted to spend time with Rye, but we needed to film so much.'

I actually got some things done, like finally finishing the writing process for two potential songs for EP3. And that made me incredibly happy.

After that I sat down at the piano and started to slowly play Bohemian Rhapsody, gradually getting closer to it being as good as I expected.

But I still wasn't able to play something really melodic, it wasn't that I couldn't play melodically, I could theoretically, it was just my fingers weren't able to press those keys like they were supposed to, it worked as long, as I could think about what I would need to do next and the songs weren't too hard and had a melody that was somewhat easy to follow and remember.

Rye walked into my room, that I had spent the last three hours in continuing to learn how to play the piano.

"Fovvs, here you are, I was worried about you."

I turned around looking up to him through my eyelashes, "sorry. I didn't want to worry you."

"I know," he answered walking up to me, leaning down his lips getting closer to mine and then he jumped back at least a metre.

And stumbled over something behind him, falling to the ground. I jumped up to catch him, but I wasn't fast enough, it was like in a really bad action movie, he fell slower than he should have, but I still wasn't fast enough, our fingers got closer, but in the end, I couldn't get his. I missed them by just a few centimetres, so close, yet so far. A perfect description of our relationship. With a loud bang Rye hit the ground. I jumped to his side, "Rye, rye," he didn't answer.

"Rye, please wake up," I leaned down to listen to his breath, it was even.

"Rye, Rye-pie, you are scaring me, don't do this to me."

"Mikey, Robbie I screamed," while scrambling to get my phone, but my hands were shaking so much, that I dropped it, "Rye, please, don't, you need to wake up, Rye."

Mikey came into my room "what is so important that you need to wake me up so ear... Rye," he dropped to the floor on the other side of Rye.

I picked up the phone again and dialled 999 with my hands shaking like crazy, 'it was my fault.'

After finishing the emergency call and they said I could end the call, I did and looked at Robbie and Mikey. Brook and Jack and Alex just walked into the room, seeing Rye lying on the floor and Robbie, Mikey and me sitting beside him, I had tears in my eyes and I already felt like I got stuck in blaming myself for it. And I knew, that it only would get worse, at least as long as Rye isn't okay again.

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