Sign Language

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it had been an accident, but it was an accident that cause searing hot pain through Sal's head. that was weeks ago. Sal smiled and looked at Larry, it was a scary thing. the quiet that surrounded him. Sal put his hand out in front of him. he held his pinky, thumb, and pointer finger up and made a small jerky movement.

Larry chuckled softly, not that Sal could hear it, and made the motion back. school was different now that Sal couldn't hear. he didn't talk often, afraid he'd shout because he couldn't hear it. he looked around the lunch table. he could read lips well enough to know what was happening some what.

"why doesn't he talk anymore? it's kinda sad." Ashley said. Larry shrugged.

"ask him." Larry said.

"I don't know how." Ashley replied. Larry waived at Sal, who turned to face him. Larry pointed at Ashley. Sal nodded. Larry touched his forehead then pulled his hand back making a 'y' with his pinky and thumb. he shook his head making an 'x' with his arms. he then pointed at Sal and held up four fingers, tapping his chin twice.

why don't you speak?

Sal smiled slightly, not that they could see it under his mask. he shrugged. he pointed to himself, then grabbed at his chest in way that looked like he'd just been scared, pointed to himself again, then made a motion that looked like he was eating an invisible apple.

"he's afraid to yell." Larry replied. Ashley frowned as Sal looked down at his tray.

"how do I say I miss his voice?" Ashley ask. Larry showed her quickly then tapped Sal's arm. Sal looked up and looked at Larry. Larry pointed at Ashley, who tried to tell Sal what she wanted to say. they could see he was amused just by looking at his eye's. "I've said something wrong haven't I?" Ashley ask. Sal nodded, deciding to push his mask up some.

"you... just... ask... where... my... liver.... is..." Sal said. his sentence was broken as he tried to make sure he said the right words, but he wasn't sure if he did. he looked at Larry who nodded and laughed. Ashley laughed nervously. Sal smiled and reached over to take Larry's hand. Larry looked over at him and smiled at him softly. Larry mouthed something to him. Sal leaned against his side, smiling under his mask. he held up his free and put his pinky, thumb, and pointer finger up and made a small jerky movement again.

"what does that mean? you guys do that sign alot." Neil ask.

"yeah is it something important?" Todd ask. Larry looked down at Sal who was watching him, eye brow raised as he clearly didn't know what they were talking about. Larry winked at him and looked back at their friends.

"it means I love you." Larry replied. "it was the first sign I learned, well that and I'm sorry. I wanted him to know that even though he couldn't hear it, I did still love him." Larry added, smiling down at Sal. Sal looked around the table, confused as to what was going on, so Larry simply told him he loved him. Sal nodded and leaned against his chest. he didn't mind the public affection with Larry anymore. it's not like he could hear Travis make fun of them, or anyone for that matter. he smiled. he paused and sat up looking at Larry. he looked confused pointing to Ashley then making bunny ears on himself. Larry laughed and shook his head.

"what?" Ashley ask.

"he read your lips, he thought you were talking about bunnies." Larry said.

"but I didn't say anything." Ashley said.

"he's trying to figure out what we were talking about." Larry said looking at Sal. Sal studied his face, confusion clear in his eye's. Larry pointed to all their friends and made the 'I love you' sign.

"you... were... talking... about... love?" Sal ask. Larry shook his head.

"they were asking what the symbol met." Larry said slowly. Sal watched his lips carefully and nodded. he shook his head making the bunny symbol again. Larry laughed, shrugging. "I don't know where you got bunnies either." Larry laughed.

"just when I thought you couldn't get anymore dumb." Travis hissed walking up. Sal didn't even notice him and continued to lean against Larry. not wanting to disturb Sal, Larry glared at Travis.

"piss off Travis." Larry hissed. Sal felt the vibrations through Larry's chest that he knew meant he was talking. Sal went to look up, but Larry stopped him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Sal looked at his friends and Neil mouthed 'Travis' at him. Sal tensed. Larry attempted to sooth his nervous boyfriend, taking his thumb and rubbing Sal's cheek under his mask gently. Sal leaned against him, enjoying the small comforting action. Larry smiled slightly at him and then turned to glare at Travis. "go away Travis." Larry glared. looked up at Larry. Sal sat up and crossed his arms over his chest quickly. he smiled at Sal.

"what kind of stupid movement is that? are you retarded?" Travis hissed, shoving Sal off his stool. Sal poked himself in the chest with his thumb, fingers spread and standing, letting Larry know he was fine. Larry turned around and punched Travis as hard as he could. the sound of his nose cracking made the entire lunchroom go quiet. blood poured from Travis' mouth and nose. he stared at Larry terrified.

"you think because he's fucking deaf you can make fun of him!? what the hell is wrong with you!? he can't fucking hear you but I can!" Larry screamed. Sal stared at him, unsure what was happening as Larry was facing towards the opposite way. Sal could only see the blood dripping on the floor. Larry turned and knelt beside he pointed to Sal and spelt out the word 'okay'. Sal nodded, putting his thumb to his chest with straight spread fingers again, telling Larry once again he was fine. Larry nodded and helped him up.

"Larry Johnson." Principal Beau growled lowly.

"he fucking punched me!" Travis screamed. Sal jumped in front of Larry glaring at the principal. he flung his arms out as if to protect Larry. immediately their friends jumped up and ran over.

"hey! Travis shoved Sal! it's not fair! he shoved the deaf kid!" Ashley shouted. Sal looked around confusedly. signing desperately to Larry, begging him to tell him what was happening. Larry shook his fist off, wincing. Larry put his finger over his lips and shushed him gently. he told Sal to calm down and kissed his forehead. Sal stared confusedly.

"deaf? who the hell shoves a deaf kid?" Principal Beau glared. he dragged Travis off. Sal looked at Larry confused. Larry shook his head at Sal, hugging him tightly.

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