Surprise 2nd chapter

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it had been three weeks since Sal's interaction with Travis. the bully had been expelled, but today he was supposed to come back. Sal was nervous, you didn't mess with Travis and get away with it. Larry watched him as they walked in to the school, before tapping Sal's shoulder.

"Sal, are you okay?" Larry ask. Sal had gotten better at reading lips and didn't need Larry to talk slower anymore. Sal shrugged slightly. he pointed to himself, put his hands out and shook them slightly. "anxious? why?" Larry ask.

"Travis." Sal said. Larry rolled his eye's.

"there's no reason to be anxious Sally. everything will be fine. he's not dumb enough to pick on you again, I broke his nose in three places. he's not that stupid." Larry said. Sal made a noise in disagreement. "look, we're both in the same classes all day now. it's not like he'll have a chance to hurt you." Larry assured. Sal's eye's widened and he grabbed Larry shoving him hard out of the way. Travis stumbled and fell flat on his face, having missed his target. "the fuck just happened?!" Larry hissed. Sal pointed at Travis, then held up one hand to look like a person was walking, before bringing his other hand up and grabbing the fingers roughly, then pointed at Larry.

he was going to tackle you.

Sal looked at him, scratching his neck.

"thanks." Larry said and pulled Sal to him, kissing his nose. "come on love." Larry murmured. Sal cuddled to his side and held his pinky, thumb, and pointer finger up and made a small jerky movement. a sign that was so familiar to Larry that he didn't have to struggle to remember what it was and immediately made the sign back. he kissed Sal's cheek and pulled him closer. Larry put a hand to his mouth like he was eating something, then made an L with his arms, and tapped his wrist like he was looking at a watch.

lunch time.

Sal nodded quickly.

"about... time..." Sal said. Larry chuckled, not that Sal could hear it. they both seemed happy, but if Sal was honest, he was miserable. he honestly wanted to die. he didn't mind not being able to hear a lot of things, but he seriously missed Larry's voice. he missed hearing Larry say he loved him, he missed the comforting words Larry would say while holding him after a nightmare, he missed his laugh and the deep chuckles he would make when amused. he could live without sound the rest of his life, is he could just hear Larry one more time. just the thought had his breath all shaky. he suddenly shoved away from Larry and ran into the bathroom. Larry was confused and knocked on the bathroom door, but Sal had locked it. thankfully he had been the only person in there. there was literally nothing Larry could do as Sal couldn't hear him, so Larry sat beside the door, waiting.

"Larry? what are you doing?" Ashley ask.

"Sal locked himself in the bathroom. since he can't hear me knock, I'm waiting for him." Larry replied.

"I'll go get the key from the janitor." Ashley said and left quickly. Sal buried his face in his knee's. he couldn't tell if he was loud or quiet, but he knew he was breathing super hard, trying hard not to cry. he never even heard Larry come in, of course. Larry locked the door and walked over to Sal, kneeling beside him. he lifted Sal's chin but Sal pulled himself free. he didn't want to look at Larry he might break into sobs. Larry pulled a notebook from his backpack and wrote on the paper, handing it to Sal.

what happened? are you alright?

Sal turned away from the paper and shook his head. Larry turned his face back to him.

"Sal, talk to me." Larry said. he saw the tears fill Sal's eye's an he closed them tightly. how could he tell Larry he just wanted to hear him talk again? just wanted to hear him one more time.

"I.... can't.... do... this..." Sal managed, throwing his mask on the ground. "m-my.... mom.... m-my.... face... this... stupid... mask... my... fucking... hearing... my.... stupid... dad.... I... just... can't..." Sal muttered. Larry sighed softly, pulling Sal to his side. he scribbled something on the note book and Sal couldn't faintly make his imagination read it like Larry.

I'm sorry. I know. it doesn't help. I can't help even if I wanted. I'm sorry. I wish you could hear me tell you that.

"me... too..." Sal managed. it was all he had not to break down. he managed to make it through the day, but Larry was acting weird. he refused to speak to pretty much everyone, except their friends.

"Larry why are you being so weird?" Ashley ask as Sal cuddled to Larry's side.

"Sal misses sound. he can't hear me. the most important person in my whole world, besides my mom, can't hear me. why should I speak?" Larry ask. "the love of my life can't hear me, all I want is to talk to him again and for him to hear me." Larry added.

"that is so cute and sweet, but like so sad." Ashley said. Larry nods slightly, holding Sal.


it had taken Larry forever, but today was Sal's birthday and he had the perfect gift. a new set of special earrings, Sal was going to love them, he hoped. Larry grabbed Sal and pulled him into the bathroom. he gave Sal the box, putting the earrings in for him.

"earrings?" Sal ask confused. Larry smiled at him happily. Sal shrugged and let Larry lead him to the lunch room. they sat down at Larry pulled out a remote.

"whats that?" Ashley ask. the table was watching them.

"its a remote." Larry replied.

"but what does it do?" Neil ask. Todd grinned. Larry turned to Sal and smiled.

"it's something for Sal." Larry murmured. Sal looked confused.

"me?" Sal ask. Larry nods.

"yeah, wanna know what it does?" Larry ask, he signed as he spoke.. Sal nodded slightly and Larry pushed a button on it. Sal paused confusedly. "let's me say I love you." Larry murmured. Sal's eye's lit up and he grew excited, he didn't need his mask off for everyone to know he was grinning.

"I-I... I heard that! I heard you! I fucking heard you!" Sal shouted and hugging Larry tightly. "say it again." Sal whispered quietly.

"I love you Sal." Larry murmured again. Sal held tighter, tears were slipping down his cheeks.

"h-how... wh-what...?" Sal ask confused.

"I had to do some serious shit. I had to buy some serious shit. Todd and I worked so long on this." Larry said. Sal's head snapped up and he looked at Todd.

"don't hug me." Todd said.

"I don't have to.... I-I can hear his voice." Sal laughed, hugging Larry tightly. it knocked the older boy to the floor, but Larry just laughed and hugged him as tight as he could.

"I love you more then I can ever tell you." Larry murmurs kissing he top of his head. Sal laughed slightly.

"you don't need to tell me, but don't you dare ever stop." Sal said tearfully.

"never again." Larry assured him. he looked up at Todd and smiled at him. Todd nodded and smiled.

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