Chapter 17: Amarantha

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Chapter 17: Amarantha

"So, I imagine everyone's tired." England started awkwardly.

"I'm tired, but not 'go to bed' tired, ya know?" America shrugged as he flopped down on the couch.

"I know what you mean. I think it's because we've been standing for so long." China gratefully sat down in one of the plush armchairs, his bones creaking and popping as he settled.

"You're starting to sound old, again." Japan warned, a playful smirk on his face.

"Oh, don't you start! Even though you're only half my age, you're still one of the oldest countries here." China protested.

"Just because I am also old, does not mean that you are not still old." Japan chuckled softly before heading towards the kitchen. "I'll go make us some tea."

"Coffee..." America groaned, half-melting into a pile of mush from lack of caffeine.

"Uh... your brother's melting. Is that normal?" Prussia asked Canada.

"When he hasn't had his coffee? Yeah." Canada sighed. "Come on, Al. Don't melt completely. I'll make you your afternoon coffee."

"Really?!" America sprung up, solidifying suddenly. "Aw, man! You're the best!" He grinned.

"Yeah, yeah." Canada grumbled as he followed Japan to the kitchen.

Half an hour later (and several cups of coffee for America) showed the nations gathered around the living room area talking amongst themselves about everything but the memories.

I turned towards my brother. "You know, it'll probably have her next, right?" Romano's shoulders slumped.

"I know. I'm sort of excited to see her again, but..."

"You're terrified of the pain, aren't you? I feel the same way with... Holy Rome." I admitted, looking down.

"I'm sorry." Romano reached out and squeezed my hand in comfort. "I'll get through my part so I can support you in yours." He smiled softly.

"What luck we have, eh? Not only have we both loved and lost, but we can't even keep those moments and memories private." I sighed, leaning back in my chair. The ceiling suddenly became the most interesting thing. I started picking out different pictures in the texture. "I don't suppose we could just sit it out or something?" I smiled bitterly. "There are some memories I don't even want you to see."

"Really? Well, I suppose that makes sense. A lot of things have happened without either of us there for the other. But... you wouldn't keep anything big from me, would you?" He raised a concerned eyebrow.

"Not unless I had to."

"So that's a yes, then." He sighed. "You have a really bad habit of hiding things that you feel will hurt others."

"So I care about you. Is that really so wrong?" I shrugged, tapping out a mindless rhythm on the arm of my chair.

"No it isn't. But not trusting me to help you is. What if you got hurt? I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you because you were too damn stubborn to share it with me." He crossed his arms. I closed my eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze at the moment.

"Then it'd be my fault. Not yours." Because it was my fault. And it always will be.


It's true.

No, it's Adelchi's fault.

"Idiota. At least promise me that if you can, you'll tell me going forward, okay?" Romano didn't like it. I knew he didn't. But it was the most he could do at that time.

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