Chapter 32: The Box of Tomatoes

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Chapter 32: The Box of Tomatoes

"I still think this is stupid." Lovino's voice was the first thing we heard, and I chuckled as I recognized this memory. Spain was still hovering over Romano like a worried parent.

"What were you doing?" Austria asked as the scene faded in to show Feli and Lovi arguing. Feliciano had on a military outfit, while Lovi was dressed casually.

"This was during the early part of World War One." I said.

"Wow, talk about a time-jump. Just a few days ago we were still before Jesus!" America shouted.

"Calm down, Al. Of course memories would move faster." Canada sighed. "Besides, you realize that not everyone uses B.C. and A.D. now, right? They use B.C.E. and C.E."

"I know." America huffed, crossing his arms.

"I still think I should come with you. What if you run into trouble?" Lovino's eyes shined with worry.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you still haven't fully learned how to control your new powers." Feli pointed out.

"I can too!" Lovino protested. He suddenly sneezed, spewing out flames from his mouth like a dragon. Feliciano had to quickly leap to the side to avoid being roasted. He slowly straightened up, ready for a second sneeze if necessary, while shooting his brother an irritated glare.

"You were saying?" Feli raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. Go. I'll be here! Just, I don't know, waiting!" Lovino scowled as he stalked back into the living room "And be careful, damnit!" He added, sticking his head back into the entryway before ducking back out again.

"Si, si. I'll be careful." Feli chuckled as he headed out.

"Where were you going?" England questioned.

"Well, I honestly don't even remember anymore." I admitted. "I think I was supposed to check in on some of our Italian troops and whatnot in preparation for the war, but I ended up getting sidetracked." I chuckled, glancing at Germany.

"Wait, so you mean that this is...?" His blue eyes went wide as he started to recognize the forest Feliciano was walking in.

"You tell me, Germany~" I smiled playfully as Feliciano randomly came across an abandoned box labeled tomatoes. It was large enough to fit two grown men.

"Ve? Is this some of the missing cargo that was stolen?" Feli asked aloud as he investigated the box. He found a small hole in the corner, large enough for his small frame to fit into. "I wonder if the food's all gone?" He bent down to take a look when a low gruff voice was heard.

"...forgot about feeding mein sticky friend." Germany went beet red as he heard himself talking to what he remembered was a stick.

"Oh, Gott... Bitte..." He'd never live this down if his brother found out!

Crap! Someone's coming! It could be an enemy! I've got to hide! But where?! I don't have enough time to hide in the forest!! Feliciano's panicked thoughts made a few nations chuckle as he quickly crawled into the box through the opening he'd just been investigating.

Damnit! I left my gun by the tree! Feli mentally cursed himself as he heard someone tap the box.

"How strange..."

Wait... that accent. Is that Prussia?! No... it's not the right octave.

"Hello! I am the box of tomatoes fairy! Let us be friends and play with each other!" Feliciano shouted out before he could stop himself. Why?! Stupid mouth!

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