Chapter 21: Death of an Empire

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Chapter 21: Death of an Empire

The next scene started off with an annoyed Lovino and a peppy Feliciano standing outside accompanied by Rome and Germania. "Okay~! Time for training!" He smiled.

"It's too early, why do we have to be out here? It's freezing and even the fucking sun isn't up yet." Lovino huffed. Asher snorted in agreement. He shuffled on his overly large puppy paws in an attempt to keep his feet warm.

"Because this'll be part of your daily routine. If you sleep in, you'll miss all the fun!" Rome chirped, far too happy for someone up so early.

"Did you forget? I'm the one who has to wake you up every morning." Germania scowled. "I swear, sometimes getting you out of bed is harder than winning a war."

"Don't I know it." Germany muttered as he gave me a sidelong glance. Spain seemed to be in agreement as he looked at Romano.

"You got something to say, bastard?" Romano cocked an eyebrow, and Spain wisely kept his mouth shut. "Thought so."

We watched as Rome sped through some positions and tips before handing Feliciano and Lovino their asses on a silver platter. The look on Lovino's stunned face when he hit the ground was priceless.

"You can actually fight?! Holy crap!" Lovino choked out.

"Of course I know how to fight." Rome seemed slightly offended. "And you will, too." He grinned.

"Ja. And I'll be your main battle instructor alongside your grandfather." Germania stated firmly, crossing his arms. The twins were each given wooden swords and shields as the two adult nations led them through several different stances and attack motions. Rome gave the two encouragement, while Germania remained the one with a firm hand, and corrected the boys when necessary.

The training lasted until well past noon. When Germania finally called a stop to training for lunch, the twins fell on their butts in exhaustion. Feliciano caught his brother's eye.

"Why is this so difficult?! I could fight just fine!" Feliciano complained through the Link.

"I think it's because we're tiny, now. Smaller bodies means less stamina." Lovino panted as he laid splayed out in the grass. "Ah~ The breeze feels nice."

"See? I think they have some kind of twin connection." Rome muttered to his friend, who nodded appraisingly.

"It's very likely. I mean, they are part of the same nation, after all."

Germania tilted his head, as if listening to something, before he turned to Rome. "I have to go. He needs a hand."

"Hm? Oh, okay. Be careful. And say hello for me~" Rome said before Germania left.

"Where's he going?" Lovino glared, but was too tired to stand up.

"Have you two ever heard of a 2P?" Rome suddenly asked.

"A... what? You have to pee?" Feliciano looked terribly confused.

"No." Rome chuckled. "A 2P is like a second personality. There's a parallel Earth that's vastly similar yet different to our Earth. They're so closely linked, however, that that version of Earth also has nation personifications. In fact, those personifications are like our twins. When you're close enough, you can even communicate telepathically. They'll look exactly like you, but completely different." He explained.

"Exactly like us, but entirely different. That makes sense." Feli retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, take my 2P for example. I have brown hair and amber eyes, right?" Rome asked, waiting for the acknowledgement that they were listening. "Well, my 2P has black hair and green eyes. But other than that, we look exactly alike."

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