Chapter 14: Lulu

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Chapter 14—Lulu

Romano and I stiffened greatly as the next memory faded in. We were back in the shed, and the children were all asleep underneath their coats. They were huddled together in a big group for warmth.

The twins looked to be about 14 now, a great change from the 11-year-old kids they were just a memory ago.

"This was... four years after the last memory." I said, swallowing hard.

"Only four?! Dude, you had a serious growth-spurt!" America said, a large grin on his face. The others looked grateful for his lightening the atmosphere, but Romano and I couldn't enjoy it; we knew what was to come. Nothing happy was ahead, not really. The only 'happy' memories ahead started when we were found by Grandpa Rome. That wouldn't happen for long time. We didn't bother to really count the years. They just kinda... blurred by. We never told Grandpa Rome about our mafia either, come to think of it...

"What about the girl, aru? Lulu?" China asked. Romano and I flinched.

"Oh... Mon Cher, I—"

"She lived." I cut France off. "The medicine worked. Lulu survived without any permanent side effects. She's eight in this memory... She's over there, if you're wondering." I pointed to the little girl in the sleeping heap. She had white-blond hair, and deep blue eyes, though they were closed at the moment. Her right eye, I knew, was a milky white, though.

Feliciano and Lovino were just pulling on their own coats and hats, getting ready to leave, when Lulu grabbed the back of Feliciano's shirt.

"Lulu?" Feliciano asked, crouching down to her level. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I... You can't leave! You can't!" She cried in a soft whisper.

"What? Why not?" Lovino asked gently, bending down to her level.

"I... I have this terrible feeling... Please! You can't go!"

"Lulu..." Feliciano said softly, placing a comforting hand on the top of her head. "We'll be fine. Lovi and I go out on runs like this all the time! We'll be all right. We always come out alive, and that's what matters." He gave her a bright grin.

"No... Not... I can't explain it... I just have this feeling... no; it's stronger than that... I know... I know that something bad is going to happen if you go... Please stay! PLEASE!" Her voice had been growing steadily louder, and had woken up the other children.

"Lulu?" A ten-year-old Timmy asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "What's up?"

"Sounds like she doesn't want Feli and Lovi to go out again..." A 14-year-old Jenny stated. "Man... I wanted to get some more sleep before heading out to work, but alright..." She complained, grabbing a 14-year-old Raggis and pulling him up as well.

"Hey!" He complained. "I can manage to go back to sleep!"

"Yeah, but then you'll be late for work again!" Jenny shot back. Raggis just grumbled and begrudgingly put on his own coat.

"Please..." Lulu said again, her dark blue eye shining with tears.

"I..." Feliciano looked conflicted for a moment. I held my breath. Please... Believe her... If you don't... "I'm sorry, Lulu, but we need the food. Raggis and Jenny may work jobs, now, but they can't pay for all of us. If it makes you feel better, we'll do a small run. Only what we need. We'll make it fast, okay? Back by dark? And if we aren't, you can come and find us, okay?" Feliciano compromised. "And we'll leave Asher here with you." The pup yawned sleepily and nodded his head.

I bit my lip. I couldn't cry now; this happened centuries ago! I just... If I had listened to her, could I have made any difference? Her ability was just like mine, but mine hadn't developed by that point. Vino's hadn't either.

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