Chapter1- all in a days work

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1 alarm clock buzzing

2 screaming babies

3 kids to dress

4 lazy bums to get out of bed

5 school uniforms

8 shoelaces to tie

All this was just the beginning of my morning. Mum had been at work for hours already so it was my responsibility to get everyone up, ready and dressed, before I did the kindergarten and school run.

My day consists of:

6am- alarm rings just as Evangeline begins to stir

6:10- drag myself out of bed and give Evangeline her morning bottle

6:20- drag the covers off Rubbi's bed trying to get her up

6:30- wake Beau, Zane and Jemimma up

6:35- Get Emellia out of her cot and sit her with Rubbi

6:40- Have a shower

6:50- Dress Emellia and Evangeline

6:55- Start yelling at Rubbi because she is still in bed

7am- cook 10 pieces of toast and pour 5 glasses of milk

7:10- make 2 peanut butter sandwiches, 1 ham and cheese sandwich, 1 nutella sandwich and two salad sandwiches. Cut 6 apples

7:20- tie Ellegra and Jemimma's shoelaces

7:30- line up. Every check uniforms get bags packed and loaded into the car. Get everyone in and ready

7:45- drop Ellegra, Evangeline and Emellia off at day-care

7:55- walk Zane, Beau, and Jemimma into school

8:05- arrive at school late as usual with my hair half done, Rubbi complaining about something I don’t care about and teachers asking for a note.

Once again I find myself in the principle office this morning due to my tardiness. As usual Mrs. Greg doesn’t care for my excuses and sends me off to class!

"Man you look like shit this morning!" This is the way in which my best friend Oliver chooses to great me.

"Don’t I know it?! Evangeline took forever to settle last night and then just as she was asleep Ellegra had a bad dream and crawled into my bed. All of this was after I spent 4 hours doing that English essay only to find out it’s not due till tomorrow!"

"Geez Iallish even for you that's a pretty busy night"

Her I sat in my maths class totally exhausted and ready for the end of the day already and its only 8:30 am. How I manage to stay awake I always wonder. How I maintain good grades is even more astonishing as I have way more important things to worry about then why Macbeth killed Banquo.

"Hey what time you working tonight?"

"4-9, are you still ok to watch the kids?"

"Yeah of course" Ollie responds with his signature cheeky wink. What would I do without him? He really is my knight. After all mum is never home and I have to keep working just to make ends meet for us. Rubbi is no help around the house and all the kids need to have some childhood. We were already wired enough as it is.

"I got chicken nuggets for the little ones dinner and there is money the coffee table for pizza or something"

The bell rings signalling the end of class. Ollie and I begin walking to geography

"I just can't be bothered today Ollie"

"I know just look alive and it will be home time before you know it"

"Yeah I know but today that is just going to be more difficult than usual" I sigh as I walk into Geography.

* * *

As I walk in the front door I am greeted by Ellegra throwing herself around my leg.

"Hello baby girl, why aren't you in bed?" I ask bending down to her level kissing her forehead

"I'm not even tired' she says in her little mousy voice while rubbing her already red eyes.

"Is that so is it?" I ask picking her up. Ellegra burries her head in my shoulder and it is like a missing piece of a puzzle slipping back into place. As I continue to walk into the house I notice that Oliver has done well tonight with Jemimma and Beau already in bed and Zane sitting on the couch in his pj's.

As I walk into the kitchen I immediately notice that as usual Ollie has done the dishes and everything is sparkling clean.

"Here I’ll take her" Ollie says with out stretched arms gesturing to Ellegra "she refused to go to bed until she saw you"

"Typical" I say releasing my little girl into Ollie’s big strong arms. "Where’s Rubbi?"

"She’s in her room being defiant. I asked her to give Emellia a bath and all I get is a grunt, a door slam and Justin Beiber blasting. I have no problem with her being defiant but honestly Justin Beiber couldn’t she pick someone better?"

All I can do is laugh. After 4 hours of serving grumpy customers food that they don’t appreciate it is all I can manage.

"What time did Evangeline go down?" I ask with my eyes closed knowing Ollie is still there

"About 7" he says adding "so she will want a bottle in about an hour"

The thought of this almost makes me want to cry but what am I meant to do? She is my baby sister I can’t just not feed her!

"Thanks Ollie" I say enveloping myself in his big familiar arms "for everything I don’t know what I would do without you"

"I know" he says kissing my forehead. This makes us both giggle.

* * *

Authors note: Hey guys this is the first story I have written in a long time! Its way different from my other stuff so give it a chance. Hopefully you can see how amazing Ollie is to Iallish and her family and you fall in love with him just like I have. Please leave your comments about where you think the story should go below. And don’t forget to VOTE :)

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