Chapter 5-

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School the next day flew by fast as did the night with Nate coming by afterwards. Ollie then came around to watch the kids while I was at work. This same routine happened for over a week with no problems at all.

* * *

Nate had now taken to calling me his girlfriend which I didn’t mind because I considered him my boyfriend. He met me at my locker and escorted me to classes. He drove me to do the school pick up and take me to work. He was there when work was over. He was exactly what I needed a safety blanket.

On the days where Nate and I didn’t have to work we would take the kids to the park they loved it. We would walk as the park was just minutes from my house. Evangeline was in her pram, normally asleep while Emellia and Ellegra where either hanging off Nate or in the double stroller. The older kids were so good they would walk in pairs looking out for each other.

As Nate and I walk hand in hand a car drives past and that’s when I hear it.

"Close your legs next time slut" The car says speeding off.

I feel a little ping of hurt and hatefulness. I also feel Nate's hand tighten in mine.

"Did I just hear that right?" Nate asks probably already knowing the answer.

"Yeah so?” I say shrugging my shoulders

"It doesn’t bother you when people say things like that?"

"It did at first but now I am kind of just used to it. I mean what does it matter what they think I know the truth."

"Wow I would so not be able to be this calm about it"

“I get that but for their sake I need to not let shit like that bother me.”

“Wow you are even more amazing then I thought!” Nate says wrapping his arm around me.

* * *

The doorbell rings. Weird I think as I walk to the door I wasn’t expecting anyone. Nate was at work and I had the night off.

I open the door to find Ollie standing there.

“Hey Ollie what are you doing here?” I ask in shock

“Geez Lish I remember the days you used to be happy to see me.’ He says teasing me letting himself in.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” I say feeling a little bad. “I just meant that I didn’t realise you were coming over tonight”

“Nate rang and said that work was crazy so you were going in. You are going into work right?” He says with a cute puzzled look

“I haven’t heard from work but I guess I will go and get changed. Strange that Nate rang you and not me” I say walking away.

* * *

I walk into work and the place is dead quiet hardly any customers. Nate greats my at the door with a big smile on his face.

“I thought it was busy so I needed to come into work.”

“Well that’s not exactly true. It’s so quiet in here that they are letting me go home early. So I thought I could spend some alone time with you.” He says still grinning now with his hand wrapped in mine.

“Really?” I say following him through the restaurant towards the break room. “And you couldn’t of just told me that?”

“Well I didn’t think Ollie would want to watch the kids while we went on a date.”

“Date? Where are we going?”

“You’ll have to wait and see missy, don’t be impatient!”

We reach the break room and Nate hands me a bag. “Now go and get changed’

“Yes sir” I say giving him a little salute making him laugh.

I go into the bathroom and open the bag. In it is my black cocktail dress and pair of silver wedges and some jewellery. As I pull out my dress a piece of paper falls to the ground. I bend sown and pick it up it reads:


Hope you have a great night with Nate. I went into your room to get this stuff for you hope that’s ok. Relax; let your hair down you deserve a good night. I’m so proud of you darling

Love mum x

This makes me tear up a little. My mum was in on this. I didn’t think she realised all I do for our family but here she was helping me have a perfect night. I slip on the dress and heels feeling instantly refreshed and ready for a good night. I touch up my make-up and let my hair fall from its pony tail.

* * *

“Wow Iallish you look stunning!!”Nate says as I walk out looking breathless. I smile inwardly. “You ready to go?” he asks stretching out his hand. I take it and we begin to run. Run towards the exit. Run. Just running for running’s sake. We are together and that’s all the matters.

We get outside and I don’t see Nate’s car anywhere. I leads me around the corner and that’s when I see them. Two horses saddled up and ready to go.

“Ohhh my God Nate, horses” I say jumping into his arms hugging him tightly.

‘You like?” he asks looking uneasy.

“I LOVE!!” I say reassuring him.

* * *

We ride the horses down to the beach which takes about half an hour. I try to look as graceful as I can while riding but it is difficult in a dress that is particularly short and high heels. Regardless this is perfect.

We stop on the beach for a rest. Nate pulls out a picnic basket from somewhere. He sets a blanket down for us to sit on.

I relax into Nate’s arms watching the sun set.

“Hey Iallish, remember our first date?”

“Of course Nate how could I forget it? We ditched school and went to work, we played 20 questions”

“I remember it was a pretty good day. I also remember that we didn’t get to finish our game. I still had 1 more question.” Nate pauses, leans in close. He raises his hand to tuck a piece of rouge hair behind my ear. “Can I kiss you?” Nate whispers.

I cup his face in my hands, lean in and close my eyes. Our lips connect and I burst of electric energy serges threw my body. Nate holds me close to him as we lie down looking at the stars.

* * *

Authors Note: Nawww what a cute date!!! Please VOTE and COMMENT your thoughts :)

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