Chapter 2- Hello Hottie

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I wake up and look over at the clock

"Holy crap 3:45am" I run to mums room down the long hallway

"Mum wake up, its 3:45" I say gently shaking mum awake.

"Shit Iallish I’m going to be late"

"I know mum I’m sorry" I say walking to the door.

* * *

I hear Evangeline stirring and look at the clock 4:41. I get out of bed and to the side of the cot just as her eyes begin to open, a smile spreading across her little angelic face. I pull her out and tip toe to the kitchen to warm up a bottle.

I sit down on the couch Evangeline tucked in the crock of my arm drinking her bottle. I pull my phone out and log into Facebook.

1 new inbox from Ollie 4 minutes ago:

Hey Llish thought you would have to be up soon. Just wanted to tell say hi. I am heading over with Coffee and breakfast.

This immediately puts a smile on my face.

It doesn’t take long for Ollie to get here. As promised he has coffee and fruit toast.

"Ollie what on earth are you doing here?" I asked already guessing the answer.

"I’m bringing you coffee" He says brushing past me walking into my house as if it is his own.

I don’t complain or argue with him knowing I will lose.

We sit there and drink our coffee studying, Evangeline asleep in my arms.

* * *

Thanks to Ollie we actually got to school on time today. As I separate from Oliver and walk into my English class there is a guy sitting in my usual set. He has his back to me looking out the window. He has wispy fly away blonde hair and a nice body, from what I could see anyway.

"Excuse me, you’re sitting in my seat" I say in almost a whisper. For how much control I have over my siblings I sure was scared of talking to strangers.

"Ohhh well I’m sorry miss" the mystery man said as he turned his head and his eyes locked in mine. "I don’t believe we have met yet, I’m Nathaniel, Nate for short" he said with a smile that could light up the whole world. "And you are?"

I was speechless, I couldn’t talk, and I felt my lips moving but no sound came out. It was at this precise moment that Miss Hust decided to walk in and begin her lesson. I sat down like an idiot not even able to tell the new kid my name.

I write a little note and slip it to him;

I'm Iallish. How are you settling in?

The note finds itself back on my desk;

It’s starting to look up now... meet me for lunch?

* * *

Ok guys so how do we love chapter 2?? First impressions of NATE leave them below. You were also introduced to Mary-Ann in this chapter (Iallish's mum) what are your thoughts on her?? Don’t forget to VOTE :)

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