Chapter 3: Hell Breaks Loose

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I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had thrown on my tenny-shoes.. I dashed through the front door and quickly made it to see Shane screaming and trying to push a peach-colored spider creature away from his face. Soldiers came running up and trying to help him pull off the spider-like creature, but all I saw was Shane slowly give in but I didn't care I sprinted up to him grabbing onto and yanking at the creature trying my best to help him. The soldiers trying as well but failed now trying to save me. But I didn't need any help Shane did! But they jerked me away my fingers slipping off the creature. It then claimed him like a lion to a prey. Then in slow-motion I watched most of the soldiers get plunged through the chest with a spear-like tail, a black figure with a banana-shaped dome and dog-like appendages, it killed them. Multiple soldiers being pulled away crying out for help and shooting their guns like crazy. I managed to be the lucky one dodging them one by one till I could reach my house. I did but when I opened my door and slammed it shut behind me I turned to find a facehugger but it was very different. I didn't really take note of what features grabbing whatever I could to throw at it. It jumped at me trying to latch onto my face, but I managed to throw it off the first time into the couch. But it just jumped back on me again this time latching on then everything went fully black.


I ran but couldn't escape from what came from the large humid forest. It hurt my lungs to breathe in the hot humid air. My chest tightened and I wheezed in pain. My stomach twisted into a throbbing ache, something was moving around in my belly not liking what was happening. I hushed it rubbing the slight bulge that escaped my stomach area. It soon stopped but that didn't stop the clicking that seemed to have gotten closer. I came to a stop feeling uneasy and looked around putting an arm around my middle protectively. My face scrunched into anger as I soon glared around making a growling rumble come from my throat warning off whoever was there. It soon jumped in front of me its cloaking device deactivating and showing a large muscular being that had a mask, and canon on its left shoulder. Two other creatures dropped behind me, surrounding me making sure I couldn't and wouldn't run away. I snapped at that point I drew a large blade from my belt and held it pinpointing it at the three creatures. "Stay Back!" I snarled as they took a step closer to me.

(End of the dream)

I sat up in a cold sweat. I looked outside to see the chaos the xenomorphs had cause. "I have to leave. This ain't a safe place anymore." I gulped pushing on my knee for support. I quickly ran over to a closet where I kept my- "There you are!" I yaped happily snatching the shoulder bag.

 I quickly ran over to a closet where I kept my- "There you are!" I yaped happily snatching the shoulder bag

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It was filled with guns, new water and food, a machete, and army clothes I used to wear. I went ahead and grabbed a couple of new things like a blanket and flashlight. Along with my phone and charger, hopefully, it still worked after this. I sprinted up the stairs grabbing new clothes and a few pictures of my friends. I then debated if I should leave now or later. But before I could decide, a Xenomorph busted through the window before turning to me and growling. I quickly grabbed the bag and pulled it over my shoulder bolting out the door taking off to the nearby city that had a Walmart and other stores I could gather supplies from. I turn to see the Xenomorph chasing after me. "no, no, noooo;" I cursed under me, breathe turning back in front of me. I jogged for now until it got super close but I looked around trying to find a way to escape this beast.

An ache in my middle shifted like something were in there. I didn't have time to think now I just had to get away from this - this thing! I looked up to see the city, the 'Welcome to Gettysburg!' sign as always. I fled to the Walmart store which looked more stable than the others. I turn again to check if the Xenomorph was still following me. But saw nothing, but why did it stop chasing me? Whatever at least its off my tail for a bit. I went from a sprint to a simple jog and made it in less than 30 minutes. I walked in peaking the corners to make sure the coast was clear for every aisle. I walked over to the hunters guns and blades aisle while looking at the signs. 'Combat' I noted. I quietly made my way over jumping over the small counter and took a quick peek at the swiss army knives and hunting guns. Most of them seemed to be taken my raiders, 'Great it feels like this town already hit its the apocalypse, run!' I chuckled at the thought and continued my search.

(You know what I just might do a face reveal. Not sure tho, if it gets leaked onto the internet...It's Scary! But I just can't wait till I can work on this again. K BYE!)

10/ 13 / 19
Ok editied it again. Thx for reading this and the story. I've advanced far.

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