Chapter 5: The Yautjas?

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(Back to the story my sweets!! Sorry I must be annoying. 😜)

Slight cussing you have been warned

'Where am I?’ I thought, as I began to scan the new area around me, a small like coffee table sat near the bed and a dimly lit bulb hung above the whole room. I lightly blinked a couple of times waiting for my eyes to adjust to the slight of darkness. I then noticed a small desk in the corner of the room. It had my bag sitting on the seat of the chair that was seemingly pulled out. I glanced at the stuff scattered on the metal desk. Some kind of futuristic tablet and pen. Well that would've been all of it if I hadn't noticed the small disk like thing sitting at the corner of the desk with a canteen.

I slowly came back to myself and wondered about if that “thing” took me here?’ I questioned it but pushed it away immediately after thinking it. I slid off the hard bed and began to walk around. The room wasn't too big but it wasn't quite that small either. I actually had mixed feelings about it to be honest. 'Bag!’ I shortly squealed and dashed to my Bag lying on the seat of the chair. I took it  and peeked inside. My two guns and 1 machete was gone ‘The machete had gotten damaged when I attacked a xenomorph the other day sooo’. My water bottles seemed to be there while on the other hand my small snacks were almost gone…

'Meh I wasn't really hungry anyway.’ The bag still had my army clothes, blanket, and flashlight which seemed to have a cracked lens. 'Must have broken it when I fell’ And everything else was still there phone and charger, regular clothes, and the pictures of my friends. “And it seems I've lost coralines, great!” I sighed softly. She was the toughest friend in our group, and yet died from cancer a couple years back when... I shook my head 'That's the past Y/n get over it!’ I mentally slapped myself and looked at the small disk with the canteen. I quietly reached out and grasped the small disk between my fingers. I turned it a bit before debating it safe. I swiftly opened it and looked inside. Small strips of meat laid inside with chunks of some other kind of meats. I snapped it shut and looked at the canteen. I took it before opening it as well and realized it was just clean water. 'Huh’ I softly placed it between my lips drinking the contents. It was sweet and rich. I drank half before putting it down and closing it.

I turned to the door a small ‘creeaaak’ came from it before it swiftly opened. “What the fu-!” I was cut off by a forceful grasp to the neck. I choked out a hiss and clawed at the hand. I peeked at the man and realized it was that damn creature from before. It let go dropping me to the cold metal floor. It looked over at the desk before snatching the tablet and pen attached to it and shoving them into my hands. I took it and cautiously got up from the ground. It made a motion for me to follow and snagged my arm half heartedly. I was dragged to what seemed to be a hallway of prison cells. We passed what also looked like test tubes. I turned to where we were going and found there to be a lot more random creatures. Same as the male alien who kidnapped me but each wore a different thing and had different weapons and masks adding to with random decor. We then padded over to what I assumed to be large doors with symbols I didn't understand. Two guards , I think, stood at the sides of the door what I also assumed to be protecting what or who was inside. They stepped down once we arrived and the two large metal doors sprung open. It revealed a throne with largely decorated bones and hides. I gulped as we entered, those alien guys were along the walls of the large throne room. And what I saw was what looked like a huge alien, only a couple inches bigger than the rest. It wore no mask and lots of decorations. Skulls, what seemed to be leather, metal gauntlets, a large cannon on its shoulder, and some real mandibles, you name it! The male alien then pushed me forward after kneeling in respect to this damn god like figure, who knows! I looked up preparing myself for what was to come. The giant thing clicked its mandibles, looking down at me. I nervously looked back at it. Its piercing yellow eyes looking through my (e/c) human ones. It slowly padded to me each step making my heart beat a 10x faster. I couldn't control my breathing and I started choking on my airy breaths. It was now right in front of me and I couldn't control my actions. I froze. It made a growl and reached its clawed hand to my face. It cupped my check turning my face from left to right. The others watched all heads staring at us. I squeezed my eyes shut. ‘don't get nervous. Don't get nervous. Don't get scared. Don't get scared.’ I repeatedly said in my head. It then stopped and touched my stomach.

My eyes snapped open and I aggressively kicked the thing in its head. I managed to startle it, making it stumble back a bit. I turned my heel and took off from it. My shoulder was aggressively grasped. I used my elbow and hit the muscular arm away. I ran to the door only to have the same damn guards try and block it. I slid under them and quickly made it through the open door. Ha ha! I cackled in my head as I continued to run. It's not a laughing matter that I'm on an alien ship probably in space who knows but I could at least try and escape. Maybe there's an escape pod somewhere! I turned through the many corridors finally finding the room they put me in before. I jumped in grabbing my bag yanking it hard causing the chair to fall to the ground with a clank. 'Shit!’ I ran out slipping on the bag and seeing 2 aliens charging at me. 'Their fast! Hooooolllly moooollllllyyyyy, fucking RUN!!!’ I took off down a random hall metal clinks and clamps following behind me. I looked at the tablet that was still in my clutches. I turn full body, now running backwards and chucked it at them as hard as I could. One being hit and a bit dazed but continuing the chase. I turn back around running faster. 'I expected that to work!’ I yelled at myself internally and made a dash turn causing the 2 to crash into the wall. 'Haha!’ I smirked and continued to run. I made quick turns from left to right hoping to confuse them of where I was. I stopped and looked over the corner seeing a clump of aliens standing around in the middle of the large room. I took a big gulp of air and held my necklace close it was small and it had detachable jewels for some reason. It was a gift from Samantha as it was my birthday last year (insert birthday) it was a thoughtful gift. I sighed again this time mourning over that I might not see her again. *stamp stomp* My eyes widened and I looked around for an escape. I found what seemed to be a vent and slowly but quietly tried to open it. I yanked and tugged only to fail. The stomps were getting closer. I yanked at it again ‘come on come on!’ I pleaded looking over my shoulder every few seconds. 'Okay that's it!’ I kicked it hard causing a dent, feet tapping the floor got even closer. I grabbed the dented area and pulled as hard as I could. *Creak creak* then finally ripping off the metal I pushed it aside and swiftly shuffled into it. My bag squashing me but I continued through. I tried to look behind me even with the minimal space I was given and witnessed a small sliver of a clawed hand reaching out at me. I yelped and forced my body to move faster. And as the tunnel grew a bit bigger I found my way to a ladder. I climbed it feeling free to move now. ‘At least my claustrophobia didn't kick in.’ I continued up until finding what was on the top. A fan and another large vent that led somewhere. I looked at the fan it blew air up somewhere. I shook my head feeling my eyes became droopy and I layed in an almost comfortable position, using my bag as a pillow I slowly tried to drift off to sleep.

Sorry! I wasn't feeling motivated and soon enough I was writers block! Then I was hit with a plot to this chapter and typed it up. I hope u liked it - Star Out!

10 / 13 / 19
Hello. I'm still alive and bored but this was a fun chapter to edit.

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