Chapter 4: Days Go By Quick

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Warning! Slight cussing! You have been warned!

It had only been a week into the invasion and people had already started to group and raid other camps. It was a good thing that Y/n's friend had moved away months after her daughters' death. Despite the fact she felt lonelier when she left they still kept in touch. And lucky for her, she found a place to hide and even if they did find her. It would still take a pretty long time to find her small space.  She had come across many people and had watched many of them die either from xenomorphs/chestbursters or people who have decided that killing for survival will somehow save their sorry skins. She swore that she was the only sane one in this hell hole of a town. Including when she would start to feel slight movement in the middle area of her stomach whenever she pushed herself over the limits or laid on her stomach. Granted, Y/n would try and blow it off although she felt unsure of her lie. 

And the invasion just might be the collapsion of mankind and the extinction of many animals. What if they killed the whole population off the earth? Would they die off or kill themselves for survival? Or would they have to move and find newly suitable hoists, like in the ocean or would they have already invaded it too?  All these questions flooded Y/n's head as she fiddled with her necklace, detaching and attaching the jewels every now and then just because. 

"God! This is boring!" Y/n complained as she sat on a rock outside the small hut she managed to construct. She had settled there and only at that moment did she find out the xenomorphs had encircled the dense forest area she lived in now. And the dense forest was near a town maybe 6 miles away from, she wasn't too keen on that but for sure she knew those monsters were there because of that. Then like a miracle a blaring rocket noise caught the xenomorphs attention. It landed far away from the camp. "Shit," Y/n breathed, anxiety taking over. She rose up from her spot quickly racing to the hut and snatching her shoulder bag. She immediately turned back as heavy footsteps got closer and closer to her camp. Y/n quietly but speedily gathered her belongings before peeking out to see if they were there yet. Nobody...Wait!

A large hand cupped her throat raising her up from the ground. Y/n choked out a gasp wrapping her fingers tightly around the invisible hand that held her up. The cloaked beings grip tighted as she tried to pry its hand off her. She fought for breath, blobs of darkness filling her vision as it slowly reverted to blurry. It finally dropped her and she fell to her knees gasping for air holding herself up to regain consciousness. As Y/n's breathing evened out she had the guts to look up at the person wasn't a person at all... It was a creature with a mask, gadgets on its wrists with armor along its upper torso including shoulders, and dreadlocks acting like hair. It-er...HE had a canon like thing on his right shoulder, having a net-like thing covering his abdomen, and something of a skirt covering his waist down. (IM sorry Idk how to describe the little skirt thing!)

I don't feel so well like I am going to-! I curled down, hurling whatever was lying around in my stomach. The creature was taken aback by my sudden outburst but I didn't take notice. Until what felt like a long time, I gasped for air hacking some chunks of food from my mouth. A stinging pain in my throat was left and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep...but that ain't happening! A hiss could be heard from the thick trees that surrounded us. I lifted my head, weakly looking around, desperately trying to find the source. A xenomorph leaped from the bushes landing in front of me. It growled over to the other being before turning to face me, it softly rubbed my left cheek leaving me a bit flustered.  Out of nowhere, the other alien snarled ripping the xenomorph away from me. Its wrist contraptions pulling out two slim and sharpened blades that sliced through the xenomorph with ease. I felt a sharp pain go through my abdomen, leaving me in utter pain. The other creature cocked his head to me before walking over and slinging me over his shoulder. He ran through the dense forest, my backpack almost slipping off as he continued to jog to our destination to where he was taking me. I lifted my head up to find three or so xenomorphs following us getting closer as he slightly slowed down. My eyes widened in fear and I harshly hit his back to warn him. He let out irritated clicks before finally glancing over his shoulder to see what the trouble was. His clicking stopped and he sped up his jog into a run. I turned back to check if they were still there only to see them give up the chase. Which was a bit odd.

I coughed softly into his shoulder before wrapping my arms around his neck holding on before falling into a deep slumber that I badly needed.

* * * (Hours Later)

I yawned stretching my legs and accidentally kicking something. My eyes shot open and I yanked back my foot in a slight panic. I turn to the side to see I had only kicked a metal wall. I looked around from where I sat, 'Where am I?'

(I got nothing but a hint is you might have fun with some freaking aliens! Whoo Hu, I'm a loser! K bye my star crew)

9 / 13 / 19
Another edited.

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