0 : Dalikamata

162 24 99

D'yuq 12, 2012

The sun shone on his armor. He adjusted himself to a comfortable position down the slope of the mountain. The Captain readied his finger on the trigger. Surrounded by his allies, he was now prepared for this battle.

Or he wasn't.

With this in mind, the calm scenery of the Republic of Dalikamata brought chills down his spine. He almost doubted the goal of this skirmish, even if his troops were ready to win. In this moment, he was the captain, meaning he had to be the most intelligent and the strongest of his platoon. But right now, he felt conflicted.

This was the very first time he felt this. Back in the First Great War of the Nations, during the time the constitution was being built, his platoon carried out most of the tasks: spying, intel, and being the front-line in every battle! During also the Freedom of Corinth which was against the Kingdom of Soumorian, a now extinct nation, the Empire led the rebellion against them. The Kingdom was considered the greatest enemy of all time as they could conjure deep magic, and after their extinction, not a single evidence was found to prove their past existence.

And even though they were the one that did the most effort, the stuck-up prime minister of Minaden never gave them even a tiny hint of reward for saving them.

He was about to be given the promotion he and his family always wanted, but right after he absorbed some red mythical orb, he had been reported being sluggish, and if he failed this time, he'll be kicked out of the army and face humiliation.

The silence broke when the General shouted, "Fire!"

Gunshots erupted all around the area and screams were heard. The calm green scene instantly switched into a blood pool. And it was very obvious, the Republic of Dalikamata was unprepared.

This wasn't the first time the Republic of Dalikamata was unprepared for a battle. They believed that through a good talk, and peaceful agreements, nothing bad would happen. They were wrong. Fame, power, money; all these things are the reason there were battles across the globe, to see who or what nation to be feared. But the Republic thought otherwise. Maybe that's the reason they thought of throwing all their prisoners to the moon, so even though they were seperated from their families, they had their freedom. Of course, they asked help from the Parliament of Minaden, who took most of the credit as well.

He and the other snipers closed in and changed to their close-range weapon and neared the area. The trees and the flowery scene shook with the people's screams. One had tried to fight back, but he wasn't a match to the thousands of soldiers of the Guinid Empire, resulting him being cornered in a tree and be beaten up by many soldiers. The Captain flinched at the sight of it.

The captain recalled their plan for the attack. "Eradicate the huts, not the trees. Remember, we need the Draught of the Mata."

The Draught is an all powerful liquid, which came as the gift of the Soumorians. It was used to cure almost any disease, except cancer, in which some specific cells grow more and react more, depending on the side ingredient. The vials of the Draught used to be unlimited, dripping from trees, flowing in rivers, even combining in water vapors, but after the Soumorian massacre, the manufacturing of it stopped. Only small vials from the residents of the Republic had the Draught.

He looked down at himself. Why did he even joined this expedition? For power? Respect? Who even knew. They just kept on fighting and fighting and fighting and then what? Just for this land to be sold to some alien who buys land?

He clenched his fist, causing his armor to clank. The soldier closed his eyes and sighed. Why couldn't he attack now this time? He was used to, but why realize it now too late? He'd gone through many wars, the reason why he earned this position, but why did he thought this unnecessary? He thought. He thought every time during their wars.

Then he looked back up and realized, he had enough.

He approached his superior, whom was battling the first line of the defense of Dalikamata. He threw a branch at him and the Dalian soldier ducked in time and covered himself. Once this happened, the Captain gave his superior a good punch on the face. The Superior wasn't able to dodge it on time and his cheeks swelled and he coughed out blood.

"Why?" the superior said, his voice hoarse and and loud enough to be heard from the loud war. The captain looked around and observed his surroundings. The loud gunshots that erupted from everywhere made it unnoticeable for everyone in his troops to see the heated tackling of the two. Except for one, which was nearing them in a subtle way.

"Why is this thing so necessary?" he said while observing his environment and looking down.

"Wha- haven't they told yo-" He was cut off by another punch on the face from the captain.

"Why was this necessary if we're just going to sell this to the Aluction. Why..." He looked down and in anger, he grabbed up his superior, but when he was up now, he felt a strong sting in his back. He let go of his superior and knelt down.

He felt something pull away from his back, cold and sharp. He felt tired, he slouched his back and breathed heavily. He knelt down and got his hands on the ground for support.

He looked up and saw the same one who was approaching them holding a bloody knife, made from the material that could penetrate their armor.

"We just need the power," his superior said. And as if he was just an animal, he kicked him down to the ground. And he lied there waiting for his death, knowing that there was no way out of this chaos they caused.

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