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I open my eyes still tired from sleep.

I guess I feel asleep in The car while waiting for the boys to comeback. It was still dark outside, pinch black actually. The only light was the mood shinning on the black car. I look at the mansion. The lights were still on and people were still going in and out of the party. I glance at my phone. It was now midnight.

Why is it taking them so long?

I thought.

I would think they'll be done with the mission by now, it been 3 hours.

I sighed praying that they are okay. I picked up my phone letting the light illuminate the dark car.

Are you almost done?

I texted to Jungkook.

I didn't want to risk texting Yoongi, his part in the mission is very crucial and I didn't want to distract him in any sorts.

Yeah, Yoongi drop the pill in his drink we're waiting for him to drink it to make sure everything goes to plan.

I read his text. I sighed and threw my phone to the side.

I was bored, worried, sad, anxious.

I slump in my seat and stare into darkness. I'm getting impatient. Should this mission be taking this long??

Right when I was about to fall back asleep I heard a loud thump.

"Huh?!" I jumped in my seat, my eyes wide open. I look outside to see where the strange noise had came from.

"But I couldn't it was pitch black, the night was growing darker and darker. Making my eyes was having a hard time adjusting to the dark.

I would shine my phone but the glass will just reflect it back at me.

I didn't hear anything else besides the leaves of he trees rustling against eachother, so I safely assume it was some kinda of animal.

I hope...

I laid back, with my head leaning on the cold window. I closed my tired eyes and tried to sleep again.

I didn't want to think anymore, I just want the boys to come back. I want Yoongi to comeback.

After a little bit of battling with my brain to think about the good times to make myself fall asleep. I was paranoid, but I finally was about to fall back into a slumber but I heard the sound of someone trying to open the car door.

On my side.

My eyes shot open and I jump back away from the van's door.

I frantically look out the window and my eyes met with a dark figure. I couldn't see his face because it was so dark outside but I can see the outline of his silhouette.

He tried to open the van's door but luckily it was lock. He stopped trying after awhile.

My breathing got heavier, to the point that I was panting. The feeling of panic and fear rushed through my body.

He disappeared. I was about to move back to my original seat until I saw him again but this time something in his hand. Another shot of fear course through my veins as a panicked.

I gasped and frantically grabbed my phone.

He started to bang on the window with the unknown object. I screamed, I shamed in utter fear.

Jungkook someone is trying to break in please come

I sent the message with my shaking hands.

Please please come .

Bang bang

I screamed again and pressed myself against the other side of the door.

Bang bang

I jumped bang came from the other door.

I screamed again.

I was now surrounded, both windows where being violently banged on. I sat in the middle holding my head, hoping they'll go away. I cried and cried.

I heard a crack. Then another, and another. Until the whole window of one side shattered into millions tiny pieces.

I screamed when my eyes meet the man that have now unlocked the van's door. Even though it was dark, I faintly see the outline of his wicked smirked and bright but dark eyes.

The other side of the door was also being banged on. Making me trapped in the backseat of the van.

"Come on little girl..." the person cooed at me.


"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Why?? We just want to play.." he said his voice laced with a dangerous venom.

He slowly crawled into the van.

I crawled backwards, but I didn't reach far my back soonly hit the other door. I felt the vibration of the others persons actions against the door.

"Go away!!" I desperately cried.

"Someone h-help!" I choked on my own spit, coughing.

The guy kept crawling towards me, I see his smirk growing wider and wider.

I cried my vision getting blurry. I tried kicking him away but he was way stronger then me.

He was now on top of me. I felt his disgusting breath on my face.

"H-help-" I screamed under him. I felt the glass above me shatter. I clench my eyes close feeling the class cut my skin.

I cried out. I was drowning myself in my cries and yells. I felt the guy get closer to my face.

He slid his hands up my legs, I tried to push him away but I couldn't. I cried at the top of my lungs. I felt the someone open the door behind me. They covered my mouth with their filthy hands. I struggle against their deadly grip. I could hear them both chuckle at my attempts to escape.

I couldn't get a look at their face, my tears blurred my vision.

Please stop


I repeat in my head. I squirm under their grip, making them groan in frustration. 

"Get the fuck off her!" I suddenly hear someone yell, dragging the guy off me and throwing him to the ground. The guy groans in pain. Glass cut his skin, gushing out blood. Then I feel the person covering my mouth let go. I heard his footsteps getting further and further away

"Hey come back here!" I heard someone else say.

I didn't have the engry to open my eyes. I was frozen in shock and fear I felt hot blood rush down my face and arms. I was seeing Stars until I slipped into darkness.

Unedited like always


It's Christmas Eve everyone happy holidays!! I hope everyone have a great Christmas (if your celebrate it) tbh it doesn't even feel like December if feels like November or smth lmao. Enjoy ig this chapter it went really fast but I really want something to happen bc it was getting a bit boring lmao.

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