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It was raining outside. It wasn't hard rain but it wasn't sprinkling. Me and Yoongi walk through the rain, without a umbrella. It wasn't cold, but there was the occasional gust of wind. We both wore our layered sweaters and boots. I felt my hair get damp and tangled but I didn't really care.

There was a awkward silence between us. Only the rain hitting the pavement and out feet splashing through puddles. It was really bothering me that it was so tense. Me and Yoongi gotten very close and now I feel like we're back to square one. But I didn't know what to say after what had happen earlier today.

"I-I'm Sorry.." Yoongi said finally breaking the tension between us.

"I'm sorry that I said that I love you. I know it's pretty soon.." he continued, scratching the back of his neck.

"I should've knew it was a prank by the boys.. but I was so stressed I couldn't think straight and I was saying things and-" he sat trying to articulate his words. I knew since we met back in primary school, he was never good and expressing his true feelings.

And yes, it was a prank. The boys knew that Yoongi would never tell his true feelings and only a fit of rage would make him say things with out thinking. And their plan worked.

"It's okay.. i know.." I said.

Then does he at least like me?

I bit my lip. I still like my childhood best friend. Does he love me as a friend?

The atmosphere again fell to a silent one. I started to think. I started to think about how much I really like Yoongi.

Was our little make-out session was something out of stress? Anger?

I felt the water droplets get bigger as they hit my face, a cold wind hits both of our faces. I shiver.

"Let's stay under here and wait for the rain to settle down." Yoongi said gesturing to a convenient store.

"Okay" I said almost mumbling. Quickly dashing in the little store, it was warm and their wasn't anyone here. Except the cashier who look like he was about to fall asleep. The bell rang when we open the door, making him jolt. He gave us a tired nod and went back to looking off into nothing.

"You want ramen?" Yoongi asked.

"Uh sure.."

While me and Yoongi were eating our ramen, we didn't really talk. I finished my ramen first, I look up to see Yoongi still working on his. I examine his face, his body language. He look cute eating ramen when his hair is drenched with rain water.

"Take a picture it last longer." He snickers looking up at me with a sly smirk, in attempt to make the tension between us less awkward.

"What am I to you?" I asked unfazed by his comment, totally catching him off guard that he choked on his ramen.

"W-what?" He said shocked, choking on his ramen.

I sighed and threw my empty bowl into the bin besides me.

"I-" Yoongi started, not knowing how to put his words together.

"Do you like me Yoongi? Or your just playing?" I interrogated him, I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Why are you sending mix signals?? I think you like me then I dont think you like me?? Which one is it Yoongi!?" I asked in frustration. I didn't even let Yoongi answer I kept ranting. Yoongi just started at me with his mouth wide and his cheeks were flushed with red.

"You know I like you right?? I like you so damn much but you seem to come to terms with yours!" I said to him, I was now standing. Now Yoongi's face was really red.

He didn't say anything but just looked at me.

I scoffed and started to walk off.

I walked out the the small building the bell rang again from above. I pissed and sad at the same time. Why can't he just see that I'm totally in love with him??

I crossed my arms over my chest, it was definitely colder then before. My body shake, I look up at the grey clouds up in the sky, feeling the cold wet drops on my face. I wish I can wash all my problems away.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice from behind me, along with heavy and fast steps. I already knew who it was, I didn't turn back and I continued to walk.

"Y/N!!" He called again. He caught me by my wrist spinning me around. My eyes met with a panting and a very nervous Yoongi.

"What?" I said, still hurt. He slowly let go of my wrist and placed his cold hands on my cheek.

"I'm sorry y/n y-you know I'm- horrible at expressing how I feel-" he started looking at me with such desperate eyes. I didn't say anything, I let him talk.

"I do love you y/n I always loved you, I just though you, didn't- so I tried p-playing it off!" Yoongi says

My heart stops. Everything froze, my stomach flutter with a million of butterflies. Those three words, those simple three words struck my heart violently. My lungs swell I felt the feeling of happiness spread my body and I suddenly wasn't cold. 

Yoongi looks at me in distressed, desperate for an answer. My lack of words scared him and made his palm sweat from being nervous. It soon faded when the corners of my mouth curved up into the widest smile making my eyes disappeared. The feeling of euphoria was so overwhelming that tears slipped my crescent eyes. 

"I love you too Yoongi"

{The End}


very unedited

Hey long time no see :) I been busy, i stop writing because something very serious happened in my family throwing off my writing schuduel and basically my mental health wasnt really there and i couldnt foucus. I kinda forgot about this. I no longer read fanfic on wattpad because I feel like stories are so repaeating i got bored. But i really wanted to finish this story because I hate when aurthors don't finish their story and your left hanging :') Sorry this sucks . TBH i might make another story but idk yet lmao thank you for your support Ig its goodbye for now :)

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