( TRACK 15 )

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▶️ 2:30 ━━━🔘━━━━━━ 5:00

⟳ TRACK 15 ♫▶️ 2:30 ━━━🔘━━━━━━ 5:00

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"Ha Seiana!"

Her teacher's voice echoed across the empty hallway of the unfamiliar university. She closed her eyes and prevented herself from making another step.

She turned around slowly, smiling towards her teacher, "okay, coast is clear!" she thought to herself.

"Yes, Ms. Jang?"

"Do you want to stay a bit here?" the latter asked shyly, "it's fine if you don't–i'll bring you back to the university."

"if you only know how much I wanted to leave this place oH gOsh" she thought, instead of choosing to say what's on her mind, "it's fine, miss, i'll stay a bit longer."

The young teacher clapped her hands in happiness, "great! then, i'll see you later! you can go and watch the pageant!" she smiled faintly, oh, if miss jang only knows how much her student wanted to go away.

Seiana watched the latter disappear from her sight, "what is she even going to do in this place?" she sighed, remembering that her teacher went here to help a friend—or is it only a friend?

"Things I do for grades." she sighed once more, she was never fond of studying nor being part of the honors' list, sei didn't care about those, as long as she's (slightly) passing and happy, she's fine with it.

"The only A I see inside my report card is the letter A in my name!"

"And I don't even have a letter A in my name!" A sudden voice replied, she flinched towards the unexpected response. There, she saw a lad, black haired, tall and undeniably good looking.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you going to pass?" she scoffed, hearing the lad's sarcastic reply. "Are you eia?"

The maiden's eyes widened, "how did you—" before she can even finish her statement, "i'm doyoung, kim dongyoung."

"What do I have to do with that information?" she rolled her eyes, "I'm Jaehyun's friend."

As soon as she heard the familiar name–Jaehyun–she instantly became attentive with the lad's words.

"Do they already know about the spotify? Are they going to sue me?" she was internally panicking. Seiana was ready to sprint away when doyoung's question stopped her.

"Are you related to Jung Hasook?"

She gulped nervously, confused on why they know the demoiselle.

"I'm her cousin."

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