... and the family vacation

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"I don't see the point in this," Azula complained.

"I do!" Uncle Iroh quickly spoke up, a jolly expression permanently etched in his features.

You smiled brightly at Uncle Iroh while Azula quietly seethed in the background. "Thank you, Uncle!"

"Zuzu, you can't possibly think this is a good idea. You don't want me tagging along on your vacation," Azula clicked her tongue.

Zuko just remained silent by your side, his hand intertwined with yours. After the kidnapping incident, it was clear that the royal family needed to settle down and re-prioritize. With Zuko stepping down from the management of Republic City, he began spending every single moment with his family. Izumi had also changed, taking her firebending training more seriously in case she was in the same predicament again.

You, on the other hand, didn't change one bit-- except for the few scars that littered your back. Other than that, you were blissfully happy that your husband had now become obedient and your daughter wasn't being a spoiled princess anymore.

The downside was that now your family had to look after Azula so she wouldn't pull this crap again. Hence, the family vacation of a lifetime at Ember Island!

"I already have the entire schedule planned," Zuko spoke up as he whipped out several copies of the itinerary. "We're going eat some lunch right now and then go to the beach and make sandcastles together."

"Sandcastles?" Azula growled. "Why not a volleyball game?"

Zuko smirked, "And crush our youth's spirits by obliterating them? I don't think so."

"I think it's a great plan," you hummed. "You also need to bond with your sister."

"You should join too," Uncle Iroh added with a laugh.

Your eyes lit up with excitement. "And then you can oversee Izumi's firebending training. Give her a few pointers and all!"

Uncle Iroh nodded, "That I can do."

Izumi, who appeared to be the least involved in the group, just sighed and continued following the whims of the grown-ups.


"W-WHO ARE YOU GUYS?!" one of your opponents shouted in defeat.

"They're monsters!" the other added.

As you stood side by side with Azula and Zuko, you grinned maniacally at your defeated opponents. "I guess us 'mid-life crisis geezers' just wiped the floor with you."

Your opponents shook with fear and scampered away, leaving you to celebrate your victory with your husband and sister-in-law. "We were amazing!"

"Yes, they should have never underestimated us," Azula hummed, attempting to mask her absolute glee.

"It brings me back to the old times," Zuko chuckled. "When we used to go on vacations together."

Azula glanced away. "Oh, don't get emotional, Zuzu."

"I'm not!" he cried out. "It's just that... Everything is so different from back then."

"You didn't marry Mai, that's for sure," Azula scoffed.

You kicked a patch of sand at her. "I'm his wife. Deal with it."

"Don't kick sand at me!" Azula exclaimed as she kicked the sand back.

The emotional moment was lost, something that Zuko had long gotten used to. He watched as his wife and sister resorted to fighting each other with sand until both of them were covered with it. Neither of them was acting like true adults here, but he supposed it was all part of the bonding.



"And that is how you brew the perfect tea!" Uncle Iroh said with pride.

Izumi just stared at the blistering hot tea placed in front of her. "... Aren't I supposed to be practicing?"

"You are," he laughed, "but I'm too old to be out in the sun for so long. I thought that maybe I should teach you in a different manner."

"With tea?"

"Exactly! See, making the perfect tea is like firebending. It involves craftmanship that needs patience and a lot of individualism," he spoke in a wise tone.



"Is everyone in this family weird?" Izumi deadpanned.

The Unpredictable Fire Queen [Fire Lord Zuko x Reader]{ATLA}Where stories live. Discover now