... and the fight

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Your hands were lifted and curled into fists with your body positioned to fight. Fire Lord Zuko, on the other hand, just gawked at you. Distracted, he missed the cue to start, and you took that chance to punch a few fireballs at him.

His eyes widened and his instincts kicked in. He engulfed one hand with flames and swatted the fireballs to the side. He growled in annoyance but there was no time to react, not when you were hurling yourself at him with fire propelling your body.

When you arrived in front of him, you immersed your right hand in fire and swung at his chest. Zuko bent backwards to avoid the blow, and with all the balance he could muster, he twirled his body away from your flurry of punches. To recuperate his standing position, he created a wall of fire, deflecting all your incoming attacks. As soon as he allowed the wall to fall, he pressed his fists together and let out a ferocious stream of fire.

Just by the sounds of more fire burning, it appeared that you had done the same. As the two fire streams collided, he devised a plan on how to defend himself without hurting you. However, when he heard the sounds of lightning crackling in the distance, he realized that you too were a quick thinker. You had already stopped your fire stream, rolled out of the way, and was directing a lightning attack at him.

With a smirk, you shot at him, but he did nothing to dodge it. Instead, he took in a deep breath and pointed his fingers at the incoming attack. His body acted like a metal rod and accepted the lightning, and when he exhaled, he redirected it at your feet. You were too much in awe to dodge, and the explosion threw your body backwards until you were rolling on the floor.

Using his counterattack's impact, your hands pressed against the ground to push yourself onto your feet as you continued sliding backwards. To protect yourself, you created a ring of fire around you, one that could swallow any fire that went your way. When you made eye contact with Zuko, you noticed that he made no move to continue his attacks. 

You cocked a smile at him, "Not gonna fight?"

"I think that's enough--"

You didn't let him finish. You molded your ring of fire into another fireball and chucked it at him. He dispersed it with just a jab of his hand, "[NAME]!" he yelled in annoyance.

You took in a huge gulp of air before spitting out short bursts of fire with each burst aimed accurately at his feet. Zuko proved to be light on his toes as he moved around each burst. It was like a dance that you learned in the ruins you once visited. "Sun warriors?" you gasped when you ended your barrage of attacks.

Zuko froze at this (and you were quite surprised that he heard), "You met them too?!"

You smirked, "I'd be mindful of the floor, Zuko."

His eyes lowered, and he noticed that the last burst of fire was an explosive. "Dam--"

The impact threw his body in the same manner you were thrown. "Payback," you celebrated as you threw your fist into the air.

The Fire Lord landed gracefully on his feet, but he didn't return to the fight as enthusiastically as you did. When he noticed the glint of joy in your eyes, a wave of nostalgia hit him. He recalled the sparring matches you two had when you were younger and how different your flames were compared to his; they weren't the embodiment of anger, destruction, or resentment. It was full of life and spirit.

"You haven't changed," Zuko commented with a smile.

"But you have," you softly remarked.

"Of course my nephew has!"

You whipped your head to the side and saw a rotund man traveling towards you two. "You look familiar..."

"Uncle, I thought you were in the Earth Kingdom," Zuko's voice cracked.

The elderly man chuckled as he neared your form. "The Avatar dropped by and mentioned that you were marrying a spirited woman. I just had to see her."

Zuko groaned at the predicament. Two weirdos in the same place? Just great.


Author's Note:

1. The reader is not overpowered. She just caught Zuko offguard since she aggressively attacked him and he underestimated her.

2. Fire is the reader's life. It's like her soul and joy. If she practices it so much every day, I thought that if she's 24 years old, she SHOULD be able to produce lightning if she's that skilled. 

3. The Sun Warriors thing... Just a little side note, there have been firebenders that know of the Sun Warriors as shown in the episode. Iroh was one of them, and there were many before that (some might have been eaten by dragons or passed the test). So it isn't an exclusive thing that Zuko and Aang ran into.

4. Every firebending move has been researched and I made sure that they were all done in the cartoon. I didn't make any up as far as I know. Thank you google! *puts shades on*

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