Battle Of The Divas Ep . 3

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Battle Of The Divas Ep . 3


Jerry: Hello ladies and gentlemen I'm jerry " The King " Lawler and were back with episode three of " Battle Of The Divas ". Now before we start the episode here some of the main points of the second episode

Due to cameron being eliminated eva decided to break up the alliance with summer rae.

Nikki brags about the money she has due to dating john cena and some of the other divas start to realize it.

Tamina will do anything to win

The pink team continue to win the challenges

Jerry: Now lets get started with the second elimination.

( Jerry once again leads the purpal team to the cabins gate with the limo on the other side ready to eliminate the next diva. )

Jerry: Okay you girls know the routine once i call your name come stand by me and for the divas name that i do not call well you will be eliminated.

Aj: Good maybe we can finally drop the dead weight and win a challenge.

Nikki: ( I hate to addmit it but shes right we need to win for a change. )

Summer: ( Eva thinks she can dump me well lets see how she likes it when she gets eliminated because i'm voting for her tonight and if all the other girls want the dead weight gone then the'll vote for her too. )

Eva: ( I hope summer isn't al that mad about me breaking our alliance. )

Natalya: Can i just say before eliminations start that i'm a...

Paige: We know your a hart, thats all you ever say.

Natalya: ( Rude )

Jerry: Alright its time to announce who's going home. The first diva safe is... Aj next is Paige, Nikki, and Eva. Okay now natalya and summer you two got the most votes one of you got four votes and the other diva got 1 and the diva who is eliminated is... Natalya

Natalya: But, but ,but... i'm a hart

Summer: Aww sorry nattie but better you than me

( And with that natalya ran to the limo in tears while the other divas were mad at summer for her mean comments. )

Nikki: That was really mean summer

Summer: Are you really shocked i said that i mean come on maybe without a " Hart " we can finally win.

Jerry: Well you girls better get some sleep the next challenge is tomorrow oh and girls try to win.

( With that the other 4 divas left summer rae behind to think of her actions. )

( The next day )

Layla: So i wonder who got eliminated last night?

Brie: If i had to guess i would say summer or eva.

Naomi: yeah your probaly right.

Layla: I wonder if the other team gets along like we do?

Alicia: Probaly not thats why we always win because of how well we get along.

Brie: True

Layal: Hey guys if we lost a challenge who would we send home?

Naomi: I don't know about you guys but i would vote for rosa.

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