Battle Of The Divas Ep . 4

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Battle Of The Divas Ep . 4


Jerry: Hello ladies and gentlemen I'm jerry " The King " Lawler and were back with episode four of " Battle Of The Divas ". Now before we start the episode here some of the main points of the Third episode

Tamina keeps lying and cheating to people

Summer and Eva hate each other

Rosa is mad at Naomi

The Purpal team keep losing

Jerry: Alright now lets get started with the 3rd elimination.

( The purpal team come to the gate of the cabin and are once again about to send a diva home. )

Jerry: Okay girls i'm sorry to say that for the 3rd time one of your team members will be going home.

Aj: (Hopefuly the diva thats been causing all the trobule will get eliminated and we can finally win for once. )

Eva: ( I'm scared that i may be going home, but if i don't then i promise im going to give 100% in the next challenge. )

Paige: Okay girls all i'm going to say is that we need to win or else this will keep happening until were all gone.

Nikki: Your right paige we need to step it up.

Summer: Enough with the pep talk can we move on?

Aj: Yeah lets get to it.

Jerry: Whatever you say. So the first diva safe is Aj, next we have Paige, then Nikki. Now Eva and Summer you've both played a part in causing your team to lose the last challenge... and the diva that is eliminated is... Summer Rae

Summer: WHAT!!! You've all made a horrible mistake by picking her over me and i hope none of you win and that the pink team keeps beating you losers.

( And with that Summer left being angry at her team however her team was happy she was gone. )

Paige: Finally shes gone maybe now we can win for a change.

Nikki: Yeah lets hope so.

Eva: I'm so happy they didn't eliminate me but i know if we lose the next challenge i know i'll be the one to go home.

( The next day the purpal team were still asleep at their mini campsite beside the cabin in which they had been living for the past four days and the pink team were just waking up too lots of drama. )

Alicia: I had the best dream ever last night.

Brie: What was your dream about?

Alicia: That i won the show and the money and got my own reality spin off and became divas champion and...

Brie: Okay i get it

Layla: good morning girls

Brie: good morning

Layla: Did you two have good dreams?

Alicia: Yes i did in fact have the best dream ever i...

( Brie slips her hand over Alicias mouth )

Brie: Don't get her started

Emma: Good morning guys

Alicia: Hey how did you sleep last night?

Emma: Great knowing that we keep winning these challenges.

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