[21] J-hope

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junghope i miss u

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junghope i miss u

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"Suga hyunggggg it is trueee? You now dating with wendy noonaa??" Jungkook said excitedly as soon as suga enter their house. Suga feels so shy. He rubbing his neck

"Uhm, yes.. how do u know?"

"I'm your stalker hyung! Uh, yeay! Finally, someone got to melt your cold heart!" Suga smirks. This kid

"Uh whatever, i want to sleep"

"Hyung, why don't u sleep at wendy noona room? Hehehehhe" jungkook run away after suga smack his back.

"This pervert kid!" Jin comes from the kitchen and gives suga some cookies that he baked. Suga tastes it, and yeah its taste good

"Be good to wendy, take care her like she is your everything. Don't disappoint her, make her happy everyday" jin says before left suga with all burnt cookies

"Hoseok hyung, come on, get out from your room" jimin knock j-hope's room multiple times, but he never open it

"What's wrong?" Suga ask while he eating the burnt cookies

"He don't leave his room since yesterday, and i heard him crying. I'm so worried about him" Jimin says as he steal 1 cookies from suga

"Jung hoseok! Get out from your room!"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" J-hope throws his bags to the door and makes both of them shocked

"Just let him be"

"wendy-ah... i'm sorry... i shouldn't break up with you.." j-hope says while he hugging a frame with wendy picture. He remember the moment he break up with wendy

5 Years Ago

"Oppa!" Wendy runs toward j-hope and hugs him tightly.

"Do u want to say anything?"

"Let's break up" wendy becomes frozen. At first, she doesn't believe it, so she laugh

"April fool? Omg oppa you are so funny" wendy pinches j-hope cheek, but j-hope pushes her and makes wendy shock. He never did that to her, even once

"I don't have time to fool around. I want to break up"

"But why? All this time.. our relationship going well. Am i ever makes you mad?" Wendy tries to hold j-hope hand, but he abstain from wendy

"After all this times, i realize. You are not perfect enough for me. You don't have s lines that every girl have. And you are ugly!" J-hope glaring at wendy before he left wendy alone at the park. Wendy crying all alone at there, and then irene comes and pick her up.

Actually, j-hope didn't want to break up with her, he loves wendy with all his heart, but her mother. He don't want j-hope have any relationship with foreigners. So, he need to let go wendy for her mom. 

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