Teacher!! |kuroo tetsurou|

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Gritting your teeth, you proceeded to copy and paste the sentence "Sorry about last night, my older brother messed with my phone!!" into every group chat you had and sent them as fast as possible to rectify your brother's IDIOCRACY.

You had woken up to your older brother Koutarou doubling over with laughter as he clutched your phone in his hands, tears streaming down his face as he had sent into every group chat : 


There was a myriad of reactions to 'your" message online, but you didn't bother reading them. All you cared about was making sure that nobody thought you to be crazy. Who asks for sanitary pads at 3am in the morning???

When you had found out about the good deed, you had charged at Koutarou, punching his body with all your might, but that boy was made of bricks, and it hadn't hurt him at all. Tears continued rolling down his cheeks as he howled at your weak attempt and his good deed.

So besides having to clean up the mess he made online, you had sore fists that were definitely not appreciated on a Monday morning.

Stomping onto the road without waiting for the green man to light up, signalling it was safe to walk,  you only had yourself to blame when a sleek red Ferrari honked at you in the middle of the road.

But you were in no mood to deal with more shit. Even though you knew you were in the wrong of crossing the road when the green man hasn't even light up.

You stubbornly stood in the middle of the road, brandishing your "favourite finger" at the driver of the Ferrari, while shouting a string of expletives. You couldn't see the driver's face but you didn't care. You poured out your anger from the morning into the expletives. And it felt good. After shouting for about 10 minutes, you felt satisfied and then went about your way, still furiously typing away on your phone.


"Hey did you see the new Chemistry teacher?"

"Of course!! He's SO H0T. Oh god I thought I'll never say, but it I'd totally do him!"

"I was checking out his biceps under his tight dress shirt, and mhmmmm. He's tasty."

"His car too!!. It's so slick!"

Murmurs spread around you about the "new Chemistry teacher". You cared the least about teachers, since they were never a hot topic to talk about in the school. But today begged to differ. At least this new teacher would be the talk of the town, not my brother's embarrassing message from last night, you thought. Shrugging, you took out your timetable and spotted the first lesson: Chemistry.

Bah its probably that old sensei again. 

Reaching your classroom. you settled into your seat at the back of the class, so you could continue apologising to the various group chats. You rested your head onto the edge of the table, and got to work.


"Texting in my first class?" A smug voice caressed your ears, and you shot your head up immediately. What you saw caught you by surprise.

A boy-no man was bending over you, watching you intently with his cat like eyes. He had a bed head, part of his hair was dropping over one of his eyes. He was wearing glasses and his tie was loose. You observed him warily. He looked to be the same age as you, but he wasn't a student, He's not wearing a uniform.

"Urm you are...?" You asked politely.

"Wow, you're much more polite than when I met you this morning. Your phone if you may." He deflected your question coolly, and he smirked when he saw your confused expression. He laid an outstretch palm in front of you, and cocked an eyebrow.

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