worry |Sugawara Koushi|

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You tilted your head as you admired Suga's furrowed eyebrows. His lips were drawn into a thin line and his chocolate eyes were dark and serious. He was crouched over his mathematics assignment for a long time, when you had already given up on it, deciding to turn your attention to your boyfriend instead.

"Suga-kunnnnn let's go to the library. I can't study here. It's too noisy." You said, packing your things. When Suga didn't reply you, you waved a hand over his face. No reaction.

"sUgAaAaA." You drawled. He had been zoning out for quite a number of times in the week already. It was worrying. You sighed, stepping closer to Suga and then suddenly cupping his face in your hands. He jerked his face to look at you, his eyes big.

Gazing into those hazel brown eyes you adored, you asked softly, concern lacing your voice. "Won't you tell me what's bothering you? You've been zoning out for quite a number of times already."

"Ah (Y/N), its nothing. Its just the Math assignment." He looked away guiltily. You narrowed your eyes. That was definitely not the case. He was bad at lying. Sighing, you decided not to press further.

"Lets go to the library." You slid your hand into his and gave him a wide smile, pulling him with you.


You finished your Math assignment in a jiffy.That was easy, considering how bad you were at Math. Then thinking back about how Suga commented that the Math assignment was bothering him, you snuck a peek at him. This time, he was looking out of the library window, his eyes glassy. His Math assignment was left untouched, and you finally concluded your suspicions that it was not the assignment that was bothering him, but rather something else that he wasn't saying. It was heartbreaking to see Suga being reticent around you, when he was normally bubbly.

Well, its time to be his ray of sunshine now.

Inching your chair closer to him, you ran a hand through his silver hair. It felt soft and fluffy between your fingers and you caressed it until he looked at you, startled.

'Koushi, something's bothering you. Please don't keep it to yourself. I'll always be here for you alright." You gave him a small smile and he looked back at you sadly.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I just don't want to bother you with my troubles." He whispered.

You entwined your fingers with his, both of your hands coming together like two matching jigsaw puzzles. "Koushi, I'll never think that way. Please tell me what's troubling you." You pleaded, looking up at his big doleful brown eyes that were normally twinkling, but today, they were drawn and dark.

"There's this really good first year called Kageyama. And...Hes a setter, a genuis one at that. I know he's going to be taking my place as regular setter in our team, but I just feel like I'm not useful to the team anymore...?" He trailed off, a pained expression on his face. You felt your heart tearing in two and you knitted your eyebrows together. His countenance broke your heart, so did the way that he thought about himself in the Karasuno team.

You stopped caressing his hair and instead held his face in your hands. His face flushed a deep red, but you ignored it. A new emotion had overtook your mind: Anger. You stared grimly into his eyes and said, "Koushi, I've seen the way you encourage your peers and juniors. You're the team's pillar of support...Even though you may not be a regular anymore, the team needs more that just regulars to hold the team together. You're the glue of the team Koushi and you're irreplaceable. Stop all this negative emotions right away and give me back my sweet sunshine child Sugawara Koushi."

His eyes, wide and unblinking locked with yours and his mouth hung slightly open. You could feel his hot cheeks resting in your hands, and you didn't want to let go.

Suga then cracked a small smile at you, his dimples peeking out from his cheeks. He enveloped you in a bear hug and you snuggled into him, savouring every moment. But then a thought hit you and you pulled back, looking at him solemnly.

"No more negative emotions okay? I want you to stay positive. You're way cuter when you're happy." His confused look when you pulled away changed into one of his cute smiles and he chuckled, "I promise."

You grinned, pulling him closer, then placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose.

"I love you Koushi."

"Love you too (Y/N)."

A/N: For our softiest boi egg Koushi Maolulula

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