Ch. 2

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I was a little bit surprised but after a minute of staring at it I decided to forget about it and crumple it up to stuff into my pocket, quickly heading to my first period, Language Arts.

Most of the students in my class had already found their seats, others sitting on desks talking to friends.

I sat in my seat and started to wonder who A.S is... Ami? No her hand righting is much better than that... Aniline? No, I'm not even sure she knows me, let alone has a last name that starts with an S.

After dwelling on who it could be a minute longer, Mr. Keenly walked in the classroom causing some students to immediately slide into their desks.

"Class," Mr. Keenly said short after, "We have a new student, Alex, come in." He gestured to a blonde boy standing next to the door.

He was quite tall but pretty proportional, but the only real part of him I noticed is his eyes. A dark brown sinkhole, pulling me in.

"Alex you can go sit next to Jason over there" Mr. K said before sitting at his desk I slowly waved Alex over to the desk next to me, showing him who and where I was.

"Hey" he said quietly, me replying a simple hey as well.

I examined him a little further as he headed his bellringer, he had the look of someone who had just been through a lot... I hope he feels better soon.

And I really hope he doesn't find out about me... Or my brown and red eyes.

Otherwise it's not going to be a good year.

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