Ch. 3 (Alexs' pov)

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I saw a kid with black hair wave me over, also known as Jason, I found my seat shortly afterwards and started to head my bellringer, writing my name, Alex Stringer.

A few seconds later I started to notice Jason was staring at me... I looked over at him only to have our eyes meet.

His eyes were fascinating, two different colors, his right brown... His left red.

We held on to that stare for what felt like forever only in reality being a few seconds. When his head snapped forward, back to his paper.

He was blushing, I'm mot sure why but I think a was a little red too.

Mr. Keenly broke the aquardness between us, starting class, "Good morning class, I need to see if everyone is here."

He named off a few students before he finally got to me. "Alex Stinger is... Here" I noticed Jason jump next to me after he called my name... then kind of stare at me like I knew him.

I'm not sure how to go about this so I just say "Dude are you okay?" And get a confused and angry look from him.

He asked me shortly after if I knew where locker 146 was, I replied no.

He gave up and leaned on his light brown desk, still looking a little confused. Did I do something? Or is there something special about locker 146?

After class got out, I headed to my new locker,148. Which happened to be right next to 146... Apparently I do know where it is, well now I do.

I quickly found the combination on my wrist and started to turn the knob to the numbers.

Shortly after Jason appeared next to me, right up to 146 and entered the combination, then opened it.

So it was his locker... How exactly does this have anything to do with me? And why am I questioning myself if I don't know the answer? I don't know.

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