Chapter II - Potter is... a kid?

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Draco's POV

As I was laughing my lungs out, I didn't notice that Potter was getting pale, and started slightly trembling. But then he fell into the ground, and seemed to vanish.


I ran to him, and when I lifted his robes I gasped. There, sitting on the ground, was Harry Potter, but not sixteen year old Potter; He was... a kid? He looked like a three or four years old tiny Potter, skinny and with a bruise on his face.

But what caught my attention were his big green shiny eyes, that stared at me in fear, which made my heart sink.

"Hey... " I said quietly.

He flinched. There were tears in his eyes and he looked terrified.

"I'm not going to hurt you P-Harry." I said, trying to give the little trembling boy a smile.

"W-who awe you?" he said, almost in a whisper.

"My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy." he nodded slowly, but kept staring at me in fear. "How old are you?"

He showed me five fingers slowly and I gasped, he looked younger than five, he was so tiny!

"Would you come here?" I asked quietly.

He started trembling harder as he got up, a single tear falling down his little face, which he wiped away so people wouldn't see.

The whole class was staring at little Potter by now and that made him even more scared.

He made his way towards me, obviously fearing what I would do to him, which broke my heart. No child should have to feel like that. Not even Potter. I thought he was treated like a king in his muggle family. I mean, he is The Chosen One.

He gripped the extremely large shirt around him, his even larger robes forgotten on the floor, and continued his way to me slowly, and I opened my arms to him.

He seemed to flinch at that movement, but I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded for him to continue.

As he reached me I embraced him, and felt him tense for a moment, but then he held his tiny arms in my shoulders and cried silently in my chest.

I rubbed his back trying to calm him down and told him it would be ok.

Everyone at this point had either terrified, surprised, or touched expressions on their faces. But the most priceless expression was Weasel's. He was with his mouth hanging open, his eyes filled with rage and Granger was holding him down.

I smirked then returned my attention back to Harry.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

He nodded.

I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head so I could look at his eyes. They were shining and teary, and his cheeks had tracks of tears all the way down his chin. I gently whipped his tear-stained face with my other hand.

"I've nevew been hugged befow..." he said, softly, turning his gaze to the floor.

"Well, guess that'll have to change, don't you think?" I asked him warmly.

He smiled softly at me, and I had to admit, it was the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

"Class dismissed. I want everyone out except Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter." Professor Slughorn demanded.

After some threatens from Slughorn and a long talk with Weasley we were left in the classroom.

"Mr. Malfoy, would you care to explain exactly what went wrong? Since not only you brewed the potion wrongly but it also had the opposite effect it should have had." Professor said angrily.

"Hum... I'm terribly sorry about it professor... we-"I started to explain but I was interrupted.

"Don't be angwy at Dwaco... it was not his fault..." young Harry said, looking at professor Slughorn with adorable big shiny eyes.

"I'm not angry at him, Harry. I just need to know what happened, so I can fix you!" he said.

"F-fix me? W-what's wong with me? Uncle Vewnom says fweaks can't be fixed..."

"F-freaks?" I gulped. How dare his uncle call him a freak?

"Y-yes Dwaco... that's what I am..." Harry said, sadly, looking into my eyes.

I didn't know what to do. I was so angry at his uncle right now that I could kill him. So I hugged Harry.

"Can I ask you something, Harry?"

He nodded.

"That bruise, in your cheek, was it him? Your uncle, I mean."

He tensed a little bit before nodding slowly.

I was now pissed. I wanted to find his so called uncle and make him pay for what he did to Harry.

"Hmm... Mr. Malfoy? Harry? I need to take you to Dumbledore's office now, so... hmm... would you come with me?" He asked softly, so he wouldn't scare little Harry.

I nodded and slowly picked young Harry up, and settled him on my hip, and he hugged my neck.

He was obviously exhausted, so I told him to lay his head on my shoulder.

He fell asleep on our way to the headmaster's office, and something I noticed on our way there was that Harry was light, way too light if you may ask me. He also seemed unhealthily skinny. That got me worried and angry.


When we entered Dumbledore's office, his eyes widened as he looked at the sleeping child in my arms.

"What happened?" he asked, concerned.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter here brewed the ageing potion incorrectly, and it had the opposite effect that it should have had. It spilled all over Mr. Potter after Mr. Longbottom clumsily fell on their table and pushed their cauldron." professor Slughorn replied.

"How long does it take to brew an antidote?" Dumbledore asked.

"It depends on which ingredient they failed. Do you happen to know which one was, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes, sir, it was on the newt spleens, sir. They were cut in slices with one inch instead of half." I replied.

"Then I would say it will take about four to five months to brew."

"Four to five months?! Harry will miss so much of the school year! Can't you find a way to do it faster?" I almost screamed.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Malfoy. And I would advise you to watch your tone, next time it may cost a few points from your house." Slughorn said.

I groaned.

"We'll have to find a guardian for him." Dumbledore stated.

"What about professor McGonagall?" asked Slughorn.

"No, she's too busy. Severus, perhaps?" suggested Dumbledore.

"He hates the boy. And the boy hates him."

"Then who?"

"I'll do it." I said.

They both turned their gazes at me and stared.

"I'm the only one who Harry does not fear right now, and I believe it would make up for the accident in class? Plus, every professor is way too busy to look after a child, and I could take him to classes, and have him stay with me." I explained.

"Seems like a good idea, don't you think, Albus?"

"I suppose. But I will have to assign you your own quarters, I can't have you stay neither in Gryffindor's nor in Slytherin's." Dumbledore said.

I nodded.

And suddenly, I just knew it was time to start something new, and trust the magic of beginnings.

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