Chapter 4

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~Word Count-1242~

A green and gold portal appears on my right, and it pulls all of Mystreet into it, and I scream at my phone, "Sly help!" I feel my body slam into the ground, and the air rushes out of my lungs. I look up to see I'm laying on a plain of grass and that Mystreet is laying around me, knocked out. I also see some abnormally tall, things, coming towards us. I realize I'm going to have to dispose of them. I stand and crack my knuckles, just like a gawken. I grab the mithril sword charm off of my bracelet and make it grow to normal size. I crack my neck, "Let's go, ugly." The thing clambers towards me, and I run around behind it and cut its Achilles heel. It collapses to its knees before I jump up and cut the back of its knees. It starts falling backward onto me, and I leap out of the way and go to slice the front of its neck when someone yells, "Slice the nape!" I follow the voice's advice and slice the nape, and the head comes clean off. I turn to see the voice that yelled and I am faced by a short man with deep-set eyes and messy hair. He's surrounded by 5 other people.

I glance protectively at my friends and notice they're starting to get up, so I swing my sword and the blood flies off. I slide it into the sheath on my back before I look at the thing on the ground, "What the hell is that thing?" The group looks a little shocked that I don't know, "That's a titan, how don't you know that?" I shrug, "I'm not from around here." Laurence shoots up and yells, "Aphmau! Why are you covered in blood? Are you okay?" I smile, "I'm fine, Laurence, just another Sunday morning." The man from before says, "So, your name's Aphmau?" I nod, and he says, "I'm Captain Levi Ackerman." I hold out my hand, and he shakes it, "Nice to meet you, Levi, I'm Jessica Aphmau Odinson. They call me Aphmau or Aph, but most people call me Jess." Levi turns to the group behind him, "Line up." They all snap into a line with their hand layed diagonally across their chests.

Levi snaps, "Introduce yourselves, you first, Jaeger." A kid with blue eyes and black messy hair steps forward and says, "Specialist Eren Jaeger." Eren steps back into line. A girl with black hair and a red scarf steps forward, "Private First Class Mikasa Ackerman." She steps back into line and a tall boy with brown spiky hair and an angry face steps forward, "Private Jean Kirstein." He steps back into line and a girl with brown hair and brown eyes steps forward, "Private Sasha Blouse." She steps back into line, and a short boy with blonde hair steps forward, "Private First Class Armin Arlert." I nod at all of them, and my voice rings out, "General Jessica Odinson of the Asgardian army, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." They all gape at me except for the Captain who says, "What army?" I smile, "Asgardian, I'm not from here, remember?" I hear a groan behind me and see my group waking up. KC screams when she sees the dead titan, and I roll my eyes and turn back to Levi, "They're some of my friends, but they've never fought and have absolutely zero combat experience, they'd hinder killing these titans."

Katelyn's voice rings through my brain, "Aphmau, what's going on?" I turn to her and harden my voice, "Stay down, you got knocked out on impact. We're in my territory now, follow my rules and no one gets hurt." She slowly nods, and I turn back to the soldiers, "Do you perhaps have anywhere I could put my comrades?" Levi nods, "Yes, but we need to find shelter for the night." I look to the sun to see it disappearing behind the horizon, "I guess your right." I see a chapel about a mile away, "We could probably make it to that chapel if we hurry." Levi nods, and he turns, and I see his cloak reveal two boxes with swords coming out of them and O2 tanks. Levi turns to the group, "Grab two each, use your ODM to get them to the church while conserving your oxygen canisters." They all snap, "Yes, Captain." 

I turn to Mystreet who has only Laurence, Katelyn, and Aaron awake. "Jean, get Aaron and Garroth, they're the heaviest." The teen glances questioningly at Levi who nods, "Do what she says." He nods and picks up Aaron and Garroth and zips off into the distance. "Sasha, you should get Dante and Zane." She nods and picks them up before zipping off, "Armin, get KC and Cadenza." He grabs them and zips off. "Mikasa, get Katelyn and Nicole." She nods and zips off. I turn to Eren, "Think you could carry the casanovas?" He smiles and nods, "Grab Travis and Laurence." He nods and grabs them before zipping off. I sigh, "That's everyone." Lucinda taps me on the shoulder, "I'll teleport." I nod and she uses her witchy majicks to teleport her there. Levi asks, "What about you?" I look at the church, "I should be able to get there in 5 minutes, you can go on ahead." He shakes his head and picks me up bridal style, "This is safer." My cheeks gain a pink tint, and he uses the gear around his waist to swing us towards the church.

When we get there, I notice all of Mystreet has woken up. Levi sets me down, and I turn to him, "Thank you." He nods, "No problem." I turn to Mystreet and see Zane has a gash on his forehead, "Zane! What happened to your head?" He shrugs and then winces, "No clue." I groan and sit beside him, "You all couldn't just stay safe, could you?" They all look guilty, and I rip a section off my tank top making it cropped, I see Garroth, Laurence, and Aaron turn red in my peripheral. 

I rip the section into 4 pieces and use one of them to clean the blood off of Zane's head

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I rip the section into 4 pieces and use one of them to clean the blood off of Zane's head." I turn to Levi, "Do you have any antiseptic?" He turns to Armin and motions towards me. Armin hands me the bottle, "Here you go, General." I smile, "Jess." He nods and falls back into their line formation. I pour some of the antiseptics on one of the other pieces of cloth. I change into a soothing tone, "This is gonna hurt, squeeze my leg." He nods and places his hand on my thigh. I dab the cloth over the wound and I feel the pressure on my leg increase. I pull away and then take one of the other pieces of cloth and wipe away the excess antiseptic and blood before grabbing the last piece and tying it around the wound. I smile and kiss his cheek, "There you go, just take it easy, okay?" He nods, "Okay Aph." I stand up and brush odd my pants, "Okay then, now that that's taken care of, let's go inside." 

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