Appeal to my humanity

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Tony's POV

Loki stalked towards me menacingly,
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity."
I smirked at him,
"Actually, yes. But not in the way you think."
His eyebrow cocked in confusion,
"You can't stop me."
"That's not what I came here for."
I retorted quickly.
Loki began tapping his foot in annoyance,
"Then why?"
I tried to remain calm and confident as my vunrable body got closer to his.
"Well, for one, I live here. And two.."
I began to cup Loki's face in my hand, but out of reflex he shoved me backwards.

"What are you doing Stark?"
He gripped his septor tightly as I regained my posture.
"My apologies, you're just so sexy, I needed to touch you."
For the first time ever, Loki looked totally speechless,
"I beg your pardon?"
Inhaling deeply, I walked towards him again. As I advanced, Loki backed himself into a table.
"You heard me, your magesty. God, you look so good in your suit, but I'm sure you'd look better without it."

I placed my hand on his and he flinched but didn't push me away.
"You do realize that I'm your enemy, right? The man your friends are trying to kill? Isn't this betrayal?"
His eyes scanned my face, trying to read me.
I simply shrugged,
"I thought you liked mischief."
Loki smirked devilishly at me, and threw his septor to the ground. He grasped my hips tightly and spun me around so that I was pressed against the table.
"You fascinate me, Stark."

Loki's POV
I hungrily connected our lips, running my hands along his waist. It was hard for me to be okay with the fact that a mortal was arousing me, but my feelings were so strong they couldn't be ignored.  I advanced the kiss by shoving my tongue into his mouth. Anthony made a small noise that really got me going. I pulled his pelvis against mine, causing him to sharply inhale. His hands travled down my body and fell onto my arse. He squeezed it hard and I accidentally let out a gasp.

My face heated so I tore his shirt off. He was so beautiful and muscular, but one thing had me perplexed. A big, glowing, circle protruded out of his chest, I don't think that's what humans are supposed to look like.
"You're a human?"
"Last time I checked, yeah."
Anthony responded with sass.
"Then what's this?"
I tapped the structure.
He winced and pushed my hand away.
"Don't worry about it."
He resumed our kiss and started fiddling with my clothes.
"How the hell do I take these off?"
He mumbled against my lips.
I fazed out of my clothes until I only worse my undergarments.

"Mmm, you look delicious Loki."
Anthony muttered in a seductive tone.
I shivered when he spoke my name. Anthony sank to his knees and I smirked wickedly,
"I'm glad you know your place, pet."
The man of iron narrowed his eyes at me before yanking off my last set of clothing. Embarrassment settled in, it was not often that I was naked around anyone.

Anthony picked up my semi-hard member and wrapped his lips around the tip. I grit my teeth as he teased me. The short man removed his lips and licked up the side of my shaft. Once he had me fully erect, he put his lips back on my length, this time taking me in farther. Impatiently, I grasped his hair and forced myself down his throat. His eyes widened and a gutteral sound escaped him. I continued to thrust into him, disregarding any pain it might cause the other man. Soon, it became too much for him as he dug his nails into my thighs and withdrew. He panted and wiped drool off the side of his mouth, a few tears streaked his face. I gleamed,
"Had enough?"
"You'll pay for that you son of a bitch."
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Bend over on the table."
Antony commanded me.
As if I'd obey some midgardian.
"Nice try Stark, but I'm not taking orders fr-"

Before I had a chance to protest, I was forcefully bent over his table.
I was about to get up, when metal clasps extended from the table and latched onto me. I scrunched my eyebrows and attempted to break free.
"Don't bother, those are made out of titanium." 
Despite what he said, I continued to struggle.
"Since you like to play rough, I'm leveling the playing field."
I sighed angrily and turned my head to watch him. He coyly winked at me before slapping my arse. I bit my lip but attempted to keep my best poker face.

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