Chapter 2: What do I do now?

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Merry #bookmas ❤️ enjoy stories from me as I update everyday until Christmas 😉🎁☃️🎅🏾

Merry #bookmas ❤️ enjoy stories from me as I update everyday until Christmas 😉🎁☃️🎅🏾

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Tia Aaliyah Gaulden

I walked through the quiet house of what use to be my mother's, now it was mine

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I walked through the quiet house of what use to be my mother's, now it was mine.

I didn't know what to do with a house. I was only 21 years old.

" So what you gon' do with it ? Sell it ?" Kentrell asked as he stood beside me.

I sighed as I placed both my hands on my hips." I don't know Kentrell, I don't know." I repeated.

I walked around the house slowly as I rekindled all the moments we had here. Some were good and some were bad.

Now it was all mine and I had no idea what I was gonna do with it.

Knocks on the door could be heard causing us both to turn around. " I got it." He told me before walking to go open the door.

I just continued to walk around the living room area, picking up old pictures in the process.

I picked up the one picture with me, Tamia and mom in the picture. I almost shedded a tear until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and faced Lisa and Kennedy. "Hey y'all." I greeted, it sounded as if my voice was cracking a bit.

" Hey Tia." Kennedy said back.

" Hey baby, you alright?" Lisa asked as she pulled me into a hug.

These past months has been weird. I don't know whether or not to call her my mom or my auntie. It was just all surreal to me, the whole situation.

The news was given to me too fast, I wasn't ready for none of it.

I sighed as I stepped back from the hug. " Yeah I'm okay, just gotta keep pushing." I shrugged.

" And that's what you suppose to do, I know it's hard but you can get through this tough time, I got faith in you." Lisa explained to me.

I just wanted to cry so bad in her arms but I knew I had to be strong. I was just a strong person, in the same year I had lost my mother and my son and it was just crazy to me how strong I have been.

I was proud of myself.

I smiled as I nodded. " Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate it."

She stopped and paused for a while. " look, I know you might have your reasons to be upset with me and I understand that but Tia, I really wanted to be there for you but my momma wouldn't let me take care of two girls at the same time." She explained.

" And Tiffany only wanted the best for me, she took you and raised you as her own and I-"

I raised my hand up indicating for her to stop.
" Just stop it Lisa." I told her.

I shook my head over and over again and before I knew it, tears just started to roll down my face.

" I was humiliated in front of my own family...and you think just by coming to say sorry is a way to fix that?" I asked her.

" But Tia I-"

" But Tia nothing, if you knew you couldn't take care of another child then why did u even go through with the whole 9 months anyways?!" I asked her with pain in my eyes.

I noticed Kentrell in the corner, as he placed his palm over his face.

" Because I loved you Tia, I loved you... they wanted me to have an abortion but I couldn't do that Tia, I just couldn't!" She cried.

I shook my head as the tears rolled down my cheek.

" Get out." I told her as I pointed to the door.

She looked at me and wiped the tears that rolled down my face. " If that's what you want then I'll leave but I love you Tia, I always will." She told me before exiting out the house with Kennedy behind her.

I just stood in my same spot and continued to cry. I just was tired of everything. I wanted to go where my mom was, where I knew I was safe.

I didn't know what to do...

Kentrell wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me as I cried.

" Kentrell I can't do this no more." I whimpered.

" Shhh, be strong bae. I'm hea." He told me.

The warmth of his body just made me feel safe. I knew I was okay.


Short but worth it ❤️🤷🏾‍♀️


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