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Hailey's POV
Wiping the millionth tear from my cheek, I deeply inhale in an attempt to calm myself down. But I just broke down into another cry. Justin had left the house suddenly after we got into a pretty intense argument. I assumed he left to the bar as this has become a daily thing for him the past few nights.

The entire argument just kept replaying in my head. How he told me that he hated me, and to just leave his life once and for all. It broke me to pieces to hear him say such a thing, because I could never bring myself to hate him nor leave him. And my friends all tell me to begin the process of moving on from him, because he will never change back to the person he once was. But I love him too much to do so. I can't do that.

I could never tell a single soul to ever stay in a relationship with someone who acts in the way he does. To talk in the way that he does. But I love him. And I know the real him. I know he wouldn't hurt me, at least the real him that is. And that is why I stay. Because I know the real him is in there somewhere.

Hearing the front door open, I gasp and immediately sit up in the dark room. Getting off of the bed, I look over the hallway balcony and see Justin drunkly making his way up the stairs. I then see someone behind him following.

It was a woman.

"C'mon, it's upstairs," he slurs and my heart broke even more than it already was. He stumbles on a step and falls on the stair case. I run to him and help him up. "Get off of me," he pushes my hands away. "Who is that?" I ask him and he laughs in my face. "What does it matter to you? You and I are like roommates Holly," he says and I mutter, "it's Hailey," becoming mad.

"Why are you doing this?" I say and he pushes me away. "Will you fucking stop? C'mon, it's down the hall," he says grabbing the woman's hand. "Do you not know what you're doing?" I say and he looks at me with his head tilted. "Getting laid, and you?" He says making me angry. "You're sleeping with another woman when you're with me," I say and he groans. "Oh my god, we're not together!" He says frustration hitting him hard. "I know we're not but-" "But what?" He says and I stay quiet.

"Exactly," He says and he brushes past me as so does the random woman. Well that hit my heart like a ton of bricks.

Next morning

Waking up in the morning, I hear Justin vomiting in the toilet. I jump out of my bed and I go looking for him. "Justin," I say kneeling down as he violently let out into the toilet. He hugged the toilet and I rubbed his back. "Fuck," he breathes out he was done.

"Are you okay? Do you want water?" I ask and he hiccups. "Just a tad hungover," he says and I tell him that he has work today. "You have thirty minutes to get ready," I tell him and he laughs. "Those kids don't need me," he says. "But you need your job," I say and he looks at me. "I've got a new chance, to a new life, I'm going to live it the way I want to," he says and I nod my head scared he might get angry if I said anything back.

"First steps involves not getting married," he hiccups as he laughs and I stared at him. "Quit staring at me Holly, didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to stare at strangers?" He says laughing and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You're not a stranger Justin," I say and he laughs. "You're right. I'm just a fuck up that's what I am," he mutters the last few words and I shake my head.

"A useless piece of shit," he chuckles. "I'm not the same person I was before Hailey. I can just feel it," he says sniffling and I single tear fell from his eye. Wiping the tear from my his left cheek, he holds my wrist and he looks me in the eyes. "I see the way you look at me. I'm so sorry," he says and I hug him as he then began sobbing.

"I can't give you who I was before," he says crying and soon enough I began crying too. "I just want my life back," he says as he squeezed me. "I'm trying to remember you, I can't remember shit!" He says over my shoulder and I sniffle. "Just please don't give up Justin," I say as I held his cheek and I looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

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