25: A life changeing moment

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Whoever designed this picture is awesome, it's just missing Loki, and then it's the magic trio. I couldn't find a picture to match the title, but it matches the chapter.
Warning: feels

Sera's POV:

I've lived here for 5 months now, and every day is a new adventure; from the sunrise, to the sunset. And to think, it's almost Christmas, and now that I have a family it means something. I haven't had Christmas in years, I don't really want presents because the day the doctor signed those adoption papers, was the best present I've ever gotten. This wasn't the life I expected when I ran away, and yet here I am at the sanctum window, the Eye of Agamotto around my neck, my relic in its dagger form inside my boot, and my dad—the sorcerer supreme—right next to me. "What do you think about every time you look out the window Sera?" "Mmm. . .nothing much really."

"Oh come on, tell me at least one thing."  "Well. . ." I guess it's time I told him.

". . . .My sister"

Stephen's POV:

I think I just crossed the line asking that question. "You really miss her don't you?" she didn't even nod her head, she just kept looking out the window. I don't know why I asked that question because of course she'd say yes. "Don't worry Sera, I know she's out there safe. Now let's go help decorate the temple." "That temple has enough people to help decorate it, and since when did you get the Christmas spirit?" "Alright, let's finish decorating the sanctum."
"Hmmm. . ." before she went downstairs, she turned to me with a worried face. "Dad, you ok?"

"As long as you're here. . .I'll be ok." In the blink of an eye, that worried face became a happy face, and she was off to decorate. I'll do anything I can to keep you happy the rest of the holiday Sera, and your life.

*on the eve of Christmas Eve*

"Sera, come down here." I don't know weather I should be worried or panicking.

Sera's POV:
"Sera, come down here."

Just when I was halfway done with a movie about The Avengers, I get interrupted on the best part, this is so cliche. As I was walking down the hallway, my left fingers were tingling; from this I can tell that whatever's down there, is big. My mind is telling me this isn't good, but my heart is telling me the opposite, but they can both agree that whatever's down there is because of the Doctor. I hid both my hands behind my back. "Alright I'm down here now what do you. . .want?"
Down stairs I saw my dad, next to him a man—who by the looks of it, is Doctor Bruce Banner—and next to him, a girl about my age with the hood of her jacket up. Every bone in my body, my brain, and my heart, told me 'you know her, she looks familiar.'

"Sera, I'm sure these past few days you've noticed that one minute I'm here, and the next I'm not; well I was out getting you a Christmas present. I know you told me no, but I'm the adult here so what I say goes. I'm going to just cut to the chase, for these past days I've been looking for your sister. Doctor Banner, I think you can take it from here."
"Alright you can take your hood down now, you know it's her." When that hood came down, I was so mind blown, that I sed the 3 basic words in Spanish. "I Dios Mio." (oh my god)
Ginger hair like mine, green eyes like mine; but instead of a stroke of color on the right side of her hair, she had a scar on her right eye, as if scratched by a cat.


"Jenny for short Serafina, or in your case Sera."

"How do I know it's really you?"

"The birthmark on your left wrist hidden behind your back, Gloria, the old lady that lives in the house across from ours in Orlando, and—"
"Ok that's good enough for me." Before I could put my arms around her for a big bear hug, a huge shock had us flying back; me to the stairs—luckily two cloaks kept me from hurting myself—and her to the doors, but she didn't hit the doors with a bang!, she landed on her feet.

Stephen's POV:

I didn't see this coming. I held her up when she came downstairs, "alright let's try this again, just nice and slowly this time." I stood behind Sera and Bruce stood behind Jenny, just in case this happens again. They started walking twords each other slowly, when they touched hands, it was just like in the TV shows and movies. When you find someone you haven't seen in a long time, then you wrap your hands around them, and cry tears of joy.
I finally did it, I accomplished what I set out to do. I gave her the best Christmas present ever, and I made her happier than she's ever been before. Here she was, in front of me with her twin, the tears of joy falling down both their faces.

"So Doctor Banner, you found her at the doors on a rainy day?"
"Yup, just like you. So I guess she should stay a while to catch up with her sister."
"She can stay as long as she wants."
"Yours can do the same."
"Doctor Banner, how did Jenny get that scar on her face?"
"Well, uh. . .I'll let her tell you that."

*time skip*

"So I guess I can call you dad now, Doctor Strange?"
"Or you can call me that. . .or Strange. . .or Stephen, even though that isn't appropriate, but I don't mind. Now you two go upstairs, I'll call you when dinner gets here."
Oh my god I really have become a father.
They both ran up the stairs giggling like teenage girls.

*time skip*

Sera's POV:

let me get this straight. Magic is in our blood, weather it came from mom or dads side of the family?"
"Yup. And you're telling me that you went into Doctor Banners science lab, accidentally spilled some sciency liquid on you, it somehow got into you. And now when you're angry, scared, or whenever you feel like it, you can turn into a cat?"


And then out of nowhere, a ghost-like head popped through the door. "Well that explains the scar. You got scratched by a cat." Oh you've got to be kidding me. "Ever heard of privacy. Dad?" Emphasize on the word dad.
"Alright alright, I'll leave you girls alone; but don't stay up late, save that for tomorrow."

"Get ready little sister, because your life will be strange from now on."

Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Or in this case, the day after Christmas.

The strange girl I found at the doors of the sanctumWhere stories live. Discover now