2: Life at an orphanage

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The lady in charge of the orphanage you can give her what ever and you want. I was to lazy and couldn't come up with a name. Warning: cuss words and bullying.

Sera's POV:

I've been here for 6 years and it's always the same thing:
1: wake up.
2: try to eat the horrible breakfast.
3: learn from the teachers that come to teach us girls.
4: try to eat the horrible lunch.
5: play for the rest of the day till it's time for the horrible dinner, unless it's your day to do chores, then you eat dinner. And today is my day.
6: go to bed.

"So how far'd you get this time Annie?" This curly red head is the best at sneaking out, and helping me defend the little girls. "About halfway down the street." "Just like last time."

*bed time after a horrible dinner*

"How far'd Annie get this time Sera?" "Oh you know, halfway down the street like last time, Rose." Rose: a brunette just like her twin, Luna, only Luna has blue highlights and blue eyes. And Rose has brown eyes, gold brown highlights, and is always with her red jacket with roses on it. She calls it her lucky jacket. They've only been here for 2 years, but I'm glad that two of my fifteen friends—fifteenth being my sister, Jenny—are here. "You know I don't get it, why don't we just run away, Sera?" "Luna, with my ginger—but not too ginger—hair, a strand of my hair rainbow colored—thanks to you and Annie—and Rose with that red jacket, we'd get caught."
"Sigh, well there's no harm in asking." "Don't worry girls, we'll find a way out. Now shhhhh and sleep before Mrs. (____) gets here."

*another time skip, the next day at free time after lunch*

We're an all girls orphanage, and right in front of our building is the all boys orphanage. The free time is the only time a war of males vs females happens, and when brothers and sisters are reunited. The worst thing about being separated by gender is when someone comes to adopt. If you're a girl with a little or older brother—or vise versa—you get split, even twins of different genders get separated. And one day, if you don't see your brother or sister outside, they're ether doing chores or got adopted.

"So Sera, if you got out of here, were would you go?" Luna asked. "You guys tell me first, and honestly, who's going to adopt kids older then thirteen?" "I don't know, Tony Stark?" Oh, if only. It would be a miracle if any of the Avengers thought about adopting me or my friends, even my friends who I haven't seen in years—if they're still alive and orphaned like me and the twins. "Well, I know me and Rose would go to Italy." "Of course you would, it's hotter in Italy then in NY or Orlando." And of course being girls we know the answer to that, wink wink.
"Well I'd ether go back home, or go to Ireland." "The only reason you say home is because you hope you'll find Jenny." Thanks for bringing that up, Rose. No sister with me, no mom with me . . . No time to get emotional Sera, remember what the Doctor told you at the hospital.
"Stay strong, things will change in the blink of an eye, you'll see." That Doctor, with the blue eyes. Wonder were he is now?

*2 hours later*

"Sera Sera Sera Sera s—" "what now Annie?" " "I need a bit of backup, Ricky, Bobby, Jake, and Jack are at it again with Lola and a couple of other girls." Jake and Jack, older twins to the younger twins, Ricky and Bobby. These two orphanages are basically for twins. Like what the hell man?

"Dude she cannot keep her thumb out her mouth." "It's bad enough she's fat bro." Ok bullying the new girl who's been here for only a week is just ridiculous. "Annie let me do the talking, and let them make the first move okay." "Okay, because you know, ladies first." "Good girl Annie."

"Hey porky, why don't you oink yourself to—"
"Really boys, that's no way to talk to a child." Step 1: do the talking. "Who invited you here, Sera?" "What, a girl can't just walk wherever she wants, we're a free country last I checked." "Beat it slut, or Jack's kicking your—"
"Now Bobby that's—" and I didn't even finish, Jack made the first move by shoving me to the ground. Where are the gentleman in this orphanage?

"Annie, remember what I said." And at that, the red head attacked with some pretty good punches, now it's my turn. Step 2: attack. Two boys coming at me—one to my left and the other to my right—l back away and they hit themselves with the others head, sadly I didn't notice the other two shove me at them from behind. "Gotcha now princess," they didn't hit me, they just threw me away like trash; and to make it even worse, I hit my head with the trash cans. I could hear the little ones crying, and that triggered something that l didn't even know l had. Usually the fight would of been over by now, but they were holding Annie down. There were these sparks coming from my fingers—like some type of strong energy wanting to be set free—as if telling me to fight. The older twins were coming right at me, so I did the same and ran at them. I don't know how I did it, but I jumped right over them, turned around, and hit them in the head with my feet.

"What the hell?" "Rose, tell me you saw that?" "Saw it, the whole street basically saw it." I went all Black Widow on there asses, the whole time my fingers sparking with light. It went from weard to scary when I was about to punch Jack . . . . and a round hexagonal thing pops out of my left fist, and sends Jack flying. I'm pretty sure the whole street saw that, because it got quiet.


Oh shit. Mrs. (____).

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