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Disclaimer: I do not own DC

"Come on Babs. It's my birth day you gotta come!" Dick tells his best friend.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a birthday party, since I'm the only one in this hole school that knows it's your birthday." Barbara chimes in.

"Please!" Dick begs.

"I, as do the rest of your guests don't need to see you hit on drunk cheerleaders." Barbara says as she hands her books to Dick to hold as she gets more out of her locker.

"Come on Barb, I will be extremely offended if you don't come. It's my 16th birthday!" Dick continues.

"Does Bruce know about this?" She says narrowing her eyes.

"God no! Him and Alfred are away for business." He says.

"Exactly. If Bruce finds out, he'll tell my Dad and I will be grounded tell I'm 30."

"He won't find out."

"Fine but I'll be late, I have a date with jack."

"Your blowing me off for the boyfriend?! You've only been dating him for 6 months and your gonna ditch your best friend of 6 years on his birthday. " Dick says in a fake angered tone.

"Yes Dick. Now come on were gonna be late for class." Barbara said as she collected her books form Dick.


*later that day*

Barbara POV

Jack and I drive up to Wayne manor. Hundreds and hundreds of people fill up the house. The music booms from blocks away. As we step out of the car the smell of alcohol hits me. Gross.

As we walk in I see Dick talking to --yes you've guested it-- a drunk cheerleader. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but it can get annoying. Jack ditches me to go see his friends, so I go try to find Artemis. Parties aren't really my thing, so I feel pretty uncomfortable. After searching the whole mansion I find the blonde. Wally stand next to her.

"Hey guys!" I say trying to make my way through the crowd of drunk high schoolers.

"Oh hey Barb!"

"Hey babs!"

"How long have you guys been here?" I ask.

"Just for a while. Where's Jack?" Arty asks.

I sigh."Getting wasted I guess. Well I should go find him. Bye!"

"Bye!" They answer in unison.

I see Jack from across the room making out with a girl. My eye catches Dick's as he too is struck with horror. He looks confused at me. Him and the girl begin to walk up stairs together.

Dick walks up from behind me. "What just happened?!" He asks.

"I don't know." I say.

Dick POV

What the hell is this guy doing?! I knew he wasn't good enough for her! I start up the stairs behind him. Nobody seems to notice us.

"Hey man, what are you doing?" I try to stay calm.

"Oh, hey Dick, right?" I smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Yeah, umm what are you doing?" I ask again more angered.

"Gettin some, if you know what I'm saying. Oh and can you tell, ummm what's her name? Of yeah Barbara, can you tell Barbara it's over? Thanks." He says and then continues up the stairs.

I turn to Barbara. She seems horrified, with tears in her eyes. I step down the stairs to her.

She runs off to one of the spare rooms and slams the door behind her. I follow after her and knock on the door, and then slowly open it.

"Are you... Okay?" I softly ask.


I shut the door behind me.

"Why do I always like the ones that don't like me back?" She asks.

"Ya know why? Because there stupid. Yes babs the idiots! Any guy that doesn't want to be with you is insane. He's just a drunk idiot. I knew from the start that he wasn't good for you."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I did! I spent the last 6 months trying to convince you to dump him!"

She laughs slightly.

Suddenly the music stops. The people stop laughing and talking. We look at each other confused.

We open the door and see Bruce and Alfred standing in shock.

"...oops..." I say to Barbara.

"Everybody out!" Bruce yells. Nobody moves. "Now!" In a matter of seconds the house is empty. Me and Barbara try to sneak out too, but Bruce pulls us back.

"What were you guys thinking? Having a party!" He yells.

"This was so not my idea. All Dick's." Barbara says. "Please just don't call my dad."

"Fine. But next time, I won't be so nice." He sternly says.

"Thank you." She says and then leaves.

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